
Python Exercises: Sort a string based on its first character

Sort words alphabetically by first character.

Write a Python program that returns a string sorted alphabetically by the first character of a given string of words.

Sample Data:
(“Red Green Black White Pink”) -> “Black Green Pink Red White”
(“Calculate the sum of two said numbers given as strings.”) -> (“Calculate as given numbers of sum said strings. the two”)
("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.") -> (“The brown dog. fox jumps lazy over quick the”)

Sample Solution-1:

Python Code:

 # Define a function that sorts words in a string based on their first character
def test(text):
    # Split the input string into words, sort them based on the first character, and join them back into a string
    return ' '.join(sorted(text.split(), key=lambda c: c[0]))

# Initialize a string with words
word = "Red Green Black White Pink"
# Print the original word
print("Original Word:", word)
# Print a message indicating sorting based on the first character
print("Sort the said string based on its first character:")
# Call the function to sort the words and print the result

# Repeat the process with different strings
word = "Calculate the sum of two said numbers given as strings."
print("\nOriginal Word:", word)
print("Sort the said string based on its first character:")

word = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
print("\nOriginal Word:", word)
print("Sort the said string based on its first character:")

Sample Output:

Original Word: Red Green Black White Pink
Sort the said string based on its first character:
Black Green Pink Red White

Original Word: Calculate the sum of two said numbers given as strings.
Sort the said string based on its first character:
Calculate as given numbers of sum said strings. the two

Original Word: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Sort the said string based on its first character:
The brown dog. fox jumps lazy over quick the


Flowchart: Sort a string based on its first character.

Sample Solution-2:

Python Code:

# Define a function that sorts words in a string based on their first character
def test(text):
    # Split the input string into a list of words
    data = text.split(' ')
    # Initialize an empty list to store the sorted words
    result = []
    # Extract the first character of each word and sort them
    char = sorted([i[0] for i in data])
    # Iterate over the sorted characters
    for i in char:
        # Iterate over the original words
        for j in data:
            # Check if the first character of the word matches the current sorted character
            # and if the word is not already in the result list
            if i == j[0] and j not in result:
                # Append the word to the result list
    # Join the sorted words into a string and return
    return ' '.join(result)

# Initialize a string with words
word = "Red Green Black White Pink"
# Print the original word
print("Original Word:", word)
# Print a message indicating sorting based on the first character
print("Sort the said string based on its first character:")
# Call the function to sort the words and print the result

# Repeat the process with different strings
word = "Calculate the sum of two said numbers given as strings."
print("\nOriginal Word:", word)
print("Sort the said string based on its first character:")

word = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
print("\nOriginal Word:", word)
print("Sort the said string based on its first character:")

Sample Output:

Original Word: Red Green Black White Pink
Sort the said string based on its first character:
Black Green Pink Red White

Original Word: Calculate the sum of two said numbers given as strings.
Sort the said string based on its first character:
Calculate as given numbers of sum said strings. the two

Original Word: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Sort the said string based on its first character:
The brown dog. fox jumps lazy over quick the

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Python program to split a string into words and sort them alphabetically based on their first character using a custom key.
  • Write a Python program to use sorted() with a lambda function to order words by their initial letter.
  • Write a Python program to compare words based on the ASCII value of their first character and output the sorted list.
  • Write a Python program to implement a function that sorts words by their first letter and reconstructs the sentence in that order.


Flowchart: Sort a string based on its first character.

Python Code Editor:

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