
Python: Delete a specific row from a given SQLite table

Python SQLite Database: Exercise-11 with Solution

Write a Python program to delete a specific row from a given SQLite table.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import sqlite3
from sqlite3 import Error
def sql_connection():
     conn = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')
     return conn
   except Error:
def sql_table(conn):
   cursorObj = conn.cursor()
# Create the table
   cursorObj.execute("CREATE TABLE salesman(salesman_id n(5), name char(30), city char(35), commission decimal(7,2));")
# Insert records
   INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5001,'James Hoog', 'New York', 0.15);
   INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5002,'Nail Knite', 'Paris', 0.25);
   INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5003,'Pit Alex', 'London', 0.15);
   INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5004,'Mc Lyon', 'Paris', 0.35);
   INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5005,'Paul Adam', 'Rome', 0.45);
   cursorObj.execute("SELECT * FROM salesman")
   rows = cursorObj.fetchall()
   print("Agent details:")
   for row in rows:
   print("\nDelete Salesman of ID 5003:")
   s_id = 5003
   DELETE FROM salesman
   WHERE salesman_id = ?
   """, (s_id,))
   cursorObj.execute("SELECT * FROM salesman")
   rows = cursorObj.fetchall()
   print("\nAfter updating Agent details:")
   for row in rows:
sqllite_conn = sql_connection()
if (sqllite_conn):
 print("\nThe SQLite connection is closed.")

Sample Output:

Agent details:
(5001, 'James Hoog', 'New York', 0.15)
(5002, 'Nail Knite', 'Paris', 0.25)
(5003, 'Pit Alex', 'London', 0.15)
(5004, 'Mc Lyon', 'Paris', 0.35)
(5005, 'Paul Adam', 'Rome', 0.45)

Delete Salesman of ID 5003:

After updating Agent details:
(5001, 'James Hoog', 'New York', 0.15)
(5002, 'Nail Knite', 'Paris', 0.25)
(5004, 'Mc Lyon', 'Paris', 0.35)
(5005, 'Paul Adam', 'Rome', 0.45)

The SQLite connection is closed.

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Python program to update all the values of a specific column of a given SQLite table.
Next: Write a Python program to alter a given SQLite table.

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