Python: Find and group all the anagrams in the given list
Write a Python program to find all the anagrams in a given list of strings and then group them together. Use the Python data type.
Sample Solution:
Python Code:
# Define a function 'group_anagrams' that takes a list of strings 'strs' as input.
def group_anagrams(strs):
# Create an empty dictionary 'result' to store grouped anagrams.
result = {}
# Iterate over each string 's' in the input list 'strs'.
for s in strs:
# Sort the characters of the string 's' and join them to create a sorted string.
sorted_string = ''.join(sorted(s))
# Check if the sorted string exists as a key in 'result'.
if sorted_string in result:
# If it exists, append the original string 's' to the existing list of anagrams.
# If it doesn't exist, create a new entry with the sorted string as the key and a list containing 's' as the value.
result[sorted_string] = [s]
# Convert the values of the 'result' dictionary (lists of anagrams) to a list and return it.
return list(result.values())
# Define a list of strings 'strs' for testing.
strs = ['eat', 'cba', 'tae', 'abc', 'xyz']
print("Original list of strings:")
# Call the 'group_anagrams' function and print the result for the list of strings.
print("Find and group all anagrams in the said list:")
# Repeat the process for a different set of strings.
strs = ['restful', 'forty five', 'evil', 'over fifty', 'vile', 'fluster']
print("\nOriginal list of strings:")
# Call the 'group_anagrams' function and print the result for the list of strings.
print("Find and group all anagrams in the said list:")
Sample Output:
Original list of strings: ['eat', 'cba', 'tae', 'abc', 'xyz'] Find and group all anagrams in the said list: [['eat', 'tae'], ['cba', 'abc'], ['xyz']] Original list of strings: ['restful', 'forty five', 'evil', 'over fifty', 'vile', 'fluster'] Find and group all anagrams in the said list: [['restful', 'fluster'], ['forty five', 'over fifty'], ['evil', 'vile']]

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