
Python: Select a string from a given list of strings with the most unique characters

Python Programming Puzzles: Exercise-28 with Solution

Write a Python program to select a string from a given list of strings with the most unique characters.

['cat', 'catatatatctsa', 'abcdefhijklmnop', '124259239185125', '', 'foo', 'unique']

['Green', 'Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', '', 'White']

Visual Presentation:

Python: Select a string from a given list of strings with the most unique characters.

Sample Solution-1:

Python Code:

# License: https://bit.ly/3oLErEI

# Define a function named 'test' that takes a list of strings 'strs' as input
def test(strs):
    # Use the max function to find the string with the most unique characters
    # The key argument specifies a lambda function that calculates the length of the set of characters in each string
    return max(strs, key=lambda x: len(set(x)))

# Assign a specific list of strings 'strs' to the variable
strs = ['cat', 'catatatatctsa', 'abcdefhijklmnop', '124259239185125', '', 'foo', 'unique']

# Print the original list of strings 'strs'
print("Original list:")

# Print a message indicating the operation to be performed
print("Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:")

# Print the result of the test function applied to the 'strs' list

# Assign another specific list of strings 'strs' to the variable
strs = ['Green', 'Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', '', 'White']

# Print the original list of strings 'strs'
print("\nOriginal list:")

# Print a message indicating the operation to be performed
print("Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:")

# Print the result of the test function applied to the 'strs' list

Sample Output:

Original list:
['cat', 'catatatatctsa', 'abcdefhijklmnop', '124259239185125', '', 'foo', 'unique']
Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:

Original list:
['Green', 'Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', '', 'White']
Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:


Flowchart: Python - Select a string from a given list of strings with the most unique characters.

Sample Solution-2:

Python Code:

# License: https://bit.ly/3oLErEI

# Define a function named 'test' that takes a list of strings 'strs' as input
def test(strs):
    # Initialize variables to track the largest set, its length, and the corresponding string
    largest_set = {}
    n = 0
    largest = None
    # Iterate over each phrase in the list of strings 'strs'
    for phrase in strs:
        # Calculate the difference in lengths between the current largest set and the set of the current phrase
        diff = len(largest_set) - len(set(phrase))
        # Compare the differences and update variables accordingly
        if diff < 0:
            largest_set = set(phrase)
            largest = phrase
            n = len(largest_set)
        elif diff == 0:
            if n < len(set(phrase)):
                largest_set = set(phrase)
                largest = phrase
                n = len(largest_set)
    # Return the string with the most unique characters
    return largest

# Assign a specific list of strings 'strs' to the variable
strs = ['cat', 'catatatatctsa', 'abcdefhijklmnop', '124259239185125', '', 'foo', 'unique']

# Print the original list of strings 'strs'
print("Original list:")

# Print a message indicating the operation to be performed
print("Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:")

# Print the result of the test function applied to the 'strs' list

# Assign another specific list of strings 'strs' to the variable
strs = ['Green', 'Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', '', 'White']

# Print the original list of strings 'strs'
print("\nOriginal list:")

# Print a message indicating the operation to be performed
print("Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:")

# Print the result of the test function applied to the 'strs' list

Sample Output:

Original list:
['cat', 'catatatatctsa', 'abcdefhijklmnop', '124259239185125', '', 'foo', 'unique']
Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:

Original list:
['Green', 'Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', '', 'White']
Select a string from the said list of strings with the most unique characters:


Flowchart: Python - Select a string from a given list of strings with the most unique characters.

Python Code Editor :

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Next: Find the indices of two numbers that sum to 0 in a given list.

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