
Pandas: Create a series with a PeriodIndex which represents all the calendar month periods in 2029 and 2031

Write a Pandas program create a series with a PeriodIndex which represents all the calendar month periods in 2029 and 2031. Also print the values for all periods in 2030.

Note: PeriodIndex is an immutable ndarray holding ordinal values indicating regular periods in time such as particular years, quarters, months, etc.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pi = pd.Series(np.random.randn(36), 
                               '12/31/2031', freq='M'))
print("PeriodIndex which represents all the calendar month periods in 2029 and 2030:")
print("\nValues for all periods in 2030:")

Sample Output:

PeriodIndex which represents all the calendar month periods in 2029 and 2030:
2029-01    0.382450
2029-02   -1.077418
2029-03    0.131711
2029-04    1.044379
2029-05   -0.101383
2029-06    0.149212
2029-07    1.241014
2029-08    0.242632
2029-09   -0.252832
2029-10   -2.267629
2029-11    0.716542
2029-12   -1.397595
2030-01    0.005339
2030-02    0.454597
2030-03    1.140378
2030-04    1.024139
2030-05    1.744527
2030-06    0.827034
2030-07   -0.610342
2030-08    0.533601
2030-09   -2.200672
2030-10   -0.373814
2030-11   -1.366233
2030-12    0.173628
2031-01    0.691684
2031-02   -0.583149
2031-03    1.076706
2031-04   -3.059091
2031-05   -1.584180
2031-06    0.209410
2031-07   -0.984389
2031-08   -0.134217
2031-09    1.541736
2031-10    0.125816
2031-11   -0.066537
2031-12   -1.076096
Freq: M, dtype: float64

Values for all periods in 2030:
2030-01    0.005339
2030-02    0.454597
2030-03    1.140378
2030-04    1.024139
2030-05    1.744527
2030-06    0.827034
2030-07   -0.610342
2030-08    0.533601
2030-09   -2.200672
2030-10   -0.373814
2030-11   -1.366233
2030-12    0.173628
Freq: M, dtype: float64

Python Code Editor:

//------------- this portion above included on 07-02-2025 ------------------------------ var new_txt = 'Based on '+total_submit+' votes, average difficulty level of this exercise is '+difficulty+'.'; //'.  '+difficulty+'/3'; var txt_node = document.createTextNode(new_txt); var level_result = document.getElementById('level_result'); level_result.appendChild(txt_node); } } else { alert('There was a problem with the request.'); } } } } function insert_level(event) { event.preventDefault(); var path = window.location; var page = path.href; var page = page.split('?'); var page = page[0]; //console.log(page); //console.log(page); /*var btns = document.getElementsByClassName("mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--colored"); for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) { var clicked = btns[i].id; }*/ var clicked = this.id; if(clicked=="easy") clicked=1; if(clicked=="medium") clicked=2; if(clicked=="hard") clicked=3; console.log(clicked); var httpRequest1 = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (!httpRequest1) { alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance'); //return false; } var url = "/assets/level_insert.php"; var data1 = "level=" + clicked + "&page=" + page; httpRequest1.onreadystatechange = displayContent1; httpRequest1.open("POST", url, true); httpRequest1.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httpRequest1.send(data1); console.log(data1); //console.log("found"); function displayContent1(responseText) { if (httpRequest1.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (httpRequest1.status === 200) { var op = httpRequest1.responseText; console.log(op); } else { alert('There was a problem with the request.'); } } } } var easy = document.getElementById("easy"); easy.addEventListener('click', insert_level, false); var medium = document.getElementById("medium"); medium.addEventListener('click', insert_level, false); var hard = document.getElementById("hard"); hard.addEventListener('click', insert_level, false);

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