
Pandas: Check if a day is a business day (weekday) or not

Pandas Time Series: Exercise-14 with Solution

Write a Pandas program to check if a day is a business day (weekday) or not.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import pandas as pd
def is_business_day(date):
    return bool(len(pd.bdate_range(date, date)))
print("Check busines day or not?")
print('2020-12-01: ',is_business_day('2020-12-01'))
print('2020-12-06: ',is_business_day('2020-12-06'))
print('2020-12-07: ',is_business_day('2020-12-07'))
print('2020-12-08: ',is_business_day('2020-12-08'))

Sample Output:

Check busines day or not?
2020-12-01:  True
2020-12-06:  False
2020-12-07:  True
2020-12-08:  True

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Pandas program to create a series of Timestamps from a DataFrame of integer or string columns. Also create a series of Timestamps using specified columns.
Next: Write a Pandas program to get a time series with the last working days of each month of a specific year.

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