
NumPy: Find point by point distances of a random vector with shape (10,2) representing coordinates

12. Point-to-Point Distances in 10x2 Coordinates

Write a NumPy program to find point by point distances of a random vector with shape (10,2) representing coordinates.

Sample Solution :

Python Code :

# Importing the NumPy library as np
import numpy as np

# Generating a 10x2 array 'a' with random values between 0 and 1 using np.random.random()
a = np.random.random((10, 2))

# Extracting x and y coordinates from the array 'a' using np.atleast_2d() method
# at least 2-dimensional arrays from the columns of 'a'
x, y = np.atleast_2d(a[:, 0], a[:, 1])

# Calculating the Euclidean distance between points in the 'a' array using the formula:
# d = sqrt((x - x_transpose)^2 + (y - y_transpose)^2)
# where x and y are the coordinate matrices created, and T is the transpose of those matrices
d = np.sqrt((x - x.T) ** 2 + (y - y.T) ** 2)

# Displaying the resultant matrix containing the distances between points

Sample Output:

[[ 0.          0.42309206  0.59799949  0.44076341  0.64568848  0.53547789                                                                     
   0.39263926  0.38982854  0.39228612  0.44529689]                     
 [ 0.42309206  0.          1.0208224   0.38421553  0.92200913  0.73182405                                                                     
   0.73513877  0.80796679  0.64687549  0.73308548]                     
 [ 0.59799949  1.0208224   0.          0.94341451  0.66895368  0.71852306                                                                     
   0.48605697  0.22453123  0.64173589  0.55440442]                     
 [ 0.44076341  0.38421553  0.94341451  0.          0.60846866  0.9467662                                                                      
   0.51350109  0.78044594  0.36885259  0.88113793]                     
 [ 0.64568848  0.92200913  0.66895368  0.60846866  0.          1.12199998                                                                     
   0.27042981  0.66189707  0.27709162  0.98097303]                     
 [ 0.53547789  0.73182405  0.71852306  0.9467662   1.12199998  0.      
   0.85159212  0.53429835  0.90830578  0.1651062 ]                     
 [ 0.39263926  0.73513877  0.48605697  0.51350109  0.27042981  0.85159212                                                                     
   0.          0.41507505  0.16091134  0.71215345]                     
 [ 0.38982854  0.80796679  0.22453123  0.78044594  0.66189707  0.53429835                                                                     
   0.41507505  0.          0.54198973  0.370672  ]                     
 [ 0.39228612  0.64687549  0.64173589  0.36885259  0.27709162  0.90830578                                                                     
   0.16091134  0.54198973  0.          0.78707458]                     
 [ 0.44529689  0.73308548  0.55440442  0.88113793  0.98097303  0.1651062                                                                      
   0.71215345  0.370672    0.78707458  0.        ]]


In the above code –

a = np.random.random((10,2)): This line creates a 10x2 array a with random floating-point values between 0 and 1 using the np.random.random() function.

x, y = np.atleast_2d(a[:,0], a[:,1]): This line separates the two columns of a into two 1D arrays and converts them into 2D arrays with shape (10,1) using the np.atleast_2d() function. x contains the first column of a and y contains the second column of a.

d = np.sqrt( (x-x.T)**2 + (y-y.T)**2): This line computes the Euclidean distance between all pairs of points (rows) in a using the following steps:

  • x-x.T and y-y.T compute the difference between all pairs of x and y coordinates, respectively. Since x and y have shape (10,1), subtracting their transposes (with shape (1,10)) results in broadcasting, producing two 10x10 arrays where each element represents the difference in x or y coordinates between a pair of points.
  • (x-x.T)**2 and (y-y.T)**2 square each element of the resulting arrays from the previous step.
  • (x-x.T)**2 + (y-y.T)**2 adds the squared differences element-wise, resulting in a 10x10 array where each element represents the squared Euclidean distance between a pair of points.
  • np.sqrt() computes the square root of each element in the resulting array, resulting in a 10x10 array d where each element represents the Euclidean distance between a pair of points in a.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a function that computes the Euclidean distance between each pair of points in a 10x2 array.
  • Create a program that generates a distance matrix for the 10x2 array representing pairwise distances.
  • Implement a solution that calculates the distance from each point to a given reference point.
  • Test the distance function using both vectorized operations and a loop-based approach to compare performance.

Python-Numpy Code Editor:

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