
NumPy: Add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials

18. Polynomial Arithmetic Operations

Write a NumPy program to add one polynomial to another, subtract one polynomial from another, multiply one polynomial by another and divide one polynomial by another.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Importing the required polynomial functions from numpy
from numpy.polynomial import polynomial as P

# Define the coefficients of the first polynomial
x = (10, 20, 30)

# Define the coefficients of the second polynomial
y = (30, 40, 50)

# Add one polynomial to another
print("Add one polynomial to another:")
print(P.polyadd(x, y))

# Subtract one polynomial from another
print("Subtract one polynomial from another:")
print(P.polysub(x, y))

# Multiply one polynomial by another
print("Multiply one polynomial by another:")
print(P.polymul(x, y))

# Divide one polynomial by another
print("Divide one polynomial by another:")
print(P.polydiv(x, y)) 

Sample Output:

Add one polynomial to another:                                         
[ 40.  60.  80.]                                                       
Subtract one polynomial from another:                                  
[-20. -20. -20.]                                                       
Multiply one polynomial by another:                                    
[  300.  1000.  2200.  2200.  1500.]                                   
Divide one polynomial by another:                                      
(array([ 0.6]), array([-8., -4.]))

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy Mathematics: Add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials. NumPy Mathematics: Add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Implement functions for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing two polynomials using np.polyadd, np.polysub, np.polymul, and np.polydiv.
  • Test the polynomial arithmetic on polynomials of different degrees and verify the results.
  • Create a solution that returns both the quotient and remainder for the polynomial division operation.
  • Compare the results of polynomial operations with those obtained from manual polynomial long division.

Python-Numpy Code Editor:

Previous: Write a NumPy program to compute the following polynomial values.
Next: Write a NumPy program to calculate mean across dimension, in a 2D numpy array.

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