
NumPy: Convert the values of Centigrade degrees into Fahrenheit degrees and vice versa

Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion

Write a NumPy program to convert Centigrade degrees into Fahrenheit degrees. Centigrade values are stored in a NumPy array.

Sample Array:
Values in Fahrenheit degrees [0, 12, 45.21, 34, 99.91]
Values in Centigrade degrees [-17.78, -11.11, 7.34, 1.11, 37.73, 0. ]

Python NumPy: Convert the values of Centigrade degrees into Fahrenheit degrees

Sample Solution:

Fahrenheit to Celsius:

Python Code:

# Importing the NumPy library with an alias 'np'
import numpy as np

# List of Fahrenheit values
fvalues = [0, 12, 45.21, 34, 99.91, 32]

# Creating a NumPy array from the Fahrenheit values list
F = np.array(fvalues)

# Printing the Fahrenheit values
print("Values in Fahrenheit degrees:")

# Converting Fahrenheit values to Centigrade degrees and printing the result
print("Values in  Centigrade degrees:")
print(np.round((5 * F / 9 - 5 * 32 / 9), 2)) 

Sample Output:

Values in Fahrenheit degrees:
[ 0.   12.   45.21 34.   99.91 32.  ]
Values in  Centigrade degrees:
[-17.78 -11.11   7.34   1.11  37.73   0.  ]


In the above code -

fvalues = [0, 12, 45.21, 34, 99.91, 32]: A list of temperature values in Fahrenheit.

F = np.array(fvalues): Converts the list of fvalues into a NumPy array called F.

np.round((5*F/9 - 5*32/9), 2): Applies the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius for each value in the NumPy array ‘F’. The np.round() function is used to round the resulting values to 2 decimal places.

Finally print() function prints the resulting NumPy array containing the converted temperature values in Celsius.

Celsius to Fahrenheit:

Python Code:

import numpy as np
cvalues = [-17.78, -11.11, 7.34, 1.11, 37.73, 0]
C = np.array(cvalues)
print("Values in Centigrade degrees:")
print("Values in  Fahrenheit degrees:")
print(np.round((9*C/5 + 32),2))

Sample Output:

Values in Centigrade degrees:
[-17.78 -11.11   7.34   1.11  37.73   0.  ]
Values in  Fahrenheit degrees:
[-0.   12.   45.21 34.   99.91 32.  ]

Python-Numpy Code Editor: