Python Math: Calculate the standard deviation
Write a Python program to calculate the standard deviation of the following data.
Sample Solution:
Python Code:
import math
import sys
def sd_calc(data):
n = len(data)
if n <= 1:
return 0.0
mean, sd = avg_calc(data), 0.0
# calculate stan. dev.
for el in data:
sd += (float(el) - mean)**2
sd = math.sqrt(sd / float(n-1))
return sd
def avg_calc(ls):
n, mean = len(ls), 0.0
if n <= 1:
return ls[0]
# calculate average
for el in ls:
mean = mean + float(el)
mean = mean / float(n)
return mean
data = [4, 2, 5, 8, 6]
print("Sample Data: ",data)
print("Standard Deviation : ",sd_calc(data))
Sample Output:
Sample Data: [4, 2, 5, 8, 6] Standard Deviation : 2.23606797749979
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