
Python Function: Calling functions with flexible arguments

Python ellipsis (...) Data Type: Exercise-2 with Solution

Write a Python function that takes a function as an argument and calls it with any number of arguments.

Sample Solution:


def call_function(func, *args, **kwargs):
    Calls the given function with any number of positional and keyword arguments.

        func (function): The function to call.
        *args: Any positional arguments to pass to the function.
        **kwargs: Any keyword arguments to pass to the function.

        The result of calling the function.
    return func(*args, **kwargs)

# Example usage:
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

result = call_function(add, 10, 22)
print(result)  # Output: 8

def message(name, text="Good Evening"):
    return f"{name}, {text}!"
result = call_function(message, "Erich", text = ...)


Erich, Ellipsis!

In the exercise above, the "call_function()" function takes a 'func' argument, which is the function to call, and uses *args and **kwargs to accept any number of positional and keyword arguments. It then calls 'func' with these arguments and returns the result. As a result, you can call different functions with different numbers of arguments by using the same "call_function ()".

In this code, the ellipsis (...) is used as a placeholder for unspecified arguments in the function calls 'add' and 'message'. It indicates that there can be additional positional or keyword arguments.


Flowchart: Python Function: Calling functions with flexible arguments.

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