
Python: Display formatted text output of a month and start weeks on Sunday

Python Datetime: Exercise-42 with Solution

Write a Python program to display formatted text output of a month and start the week on Sunday.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Import the calendar module
import calendar
# Create a TextCalendar object starting from Sunday as the first day of the week
cal = calendar.TextCalendar(calendar.SUNDAY)
# Print the header for the calendar for the first month of 2022
print('First Month - 2022')
# Print the calendar for January 2022
print(cal.prmonth(2022, 1))


First Month - 2022                                                                                            
    January 2022                                                                                              
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa                                                                                          
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8                                                                                          
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15                                                                                          
16 17 18 19 20 21 22                                                                                          
23 24 25 26 27 28 29                                                                                          
30 31                                                                                                         


In the exercise above,

  • The code imports the "calendar" module.
  • It creates a "TextCalendar" object named 'cal' starting from Sunday as the first day of the week. This is specified by passing 'calendar.SUNDAY' as an argument.
  • It prints a header indicating the month and year for the calendar being displayed.
  • It prints the calendar for January 2022 using the "prmonth()" method of the "TextCalendar" object. This method generates a formatted calendar for a specific month and year.


Flowchart: Display formatted text output of a month and start weeks on Sunday.

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Previous: Write a python program to generate a date and time as a string.
Next: Write a Python program to print a 3-column calendar for an entire year.

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