
Python: Print a string five times, delay three seconds

25. Delayed String Printer

Write a Python program to print a string five times, with a delay of three seconds.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Import the time module
import time 

# Initialize a variable 'x' with value 0
x = 0

# Print a newline character followed by a message indicating a delay
print("\nw3resource will print five times, with a delay of three seconds each.")

# Execute a loop that repeats until 'x' is less than 5
while x < 5:
    # Print the string "w3resource"
    # Pause the execution of the program for three seconds
    # Increment the value of 'x' by 1
    x = x + 1 


w3resource will print five  times, delay for three seconds.          


In the exercise above,

  • The code imports the "time" module.
  • Initializing variables:
    • It initializes a variable 'x' with an initial value of 0.
  • Printing Message: It prints a message indicating that "w3resource" will be printed five times with a delay of three seconds between each print. This is achieved by using the "print()" function with the newline character '\n' to create space before the message.
  • Looping and Printing:
    • It enters a while loop that continues until the value of 'x' is less than 5.
    • Within the loop, it prints the string "w3resource" using the "print()" function.
    • It then pauses the program execution for three seconds using the "time.sleep()" function to introduce a delay.
    • After the delay, it increments the value of 'x' by 1.
  • Execution and termination:
    • Once the loop finishes executing (after "w3resource" has been printed five times), the program terminates.


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