
Python: Get week number

13. Week Number Finder

Write a Python program to get the week number.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Import the datetime module
import datetime

# Create a datetime object representing the date 'June 16, 2015' and retrieve its ISO calendar week number
# The isocalendar() method returns a tuple containing year, week number, and weekday
# We access the second element of the tuple, which represents the week number, using [1]
print(datetime.date(2015, 6, 16).isocalendar()[1])




In the exercise above,

  • The code imports the datetime module.
  • Get ISO Calendar week number:
    • It creates a "datetime" object representing the date 'June 16, 2015' using datetime.date(2015, 6, 16).
    • Then, it retrieves the ISO calendar week number of that date using the "isocalendar()" method.
    • The "isocalendar()" method returns a tuple containing year, week number, and weekday.
    • By accessing the second element of the tuple ([1]), which represents the week number, it obtains the ISO calendar week number.
  • Printing Results:
    • It prints the ISO calendar week number of the date 'June 16, 2015' using "print()".


Flowchart: Get week number.

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Next: Write a Python program to find the date of the first Monday of a given week.

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