
Python: Find the difference between the largest integer and the smallest integer which are created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9

Python Basic - 1: Exercise-51 with Solution

Write a Python program that determines the difference between the largest and smallest integers created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9. The number that can be rearranged shall start with 0 as in 00135668.

Data is a sequence of 8 numbers (numbers from 0 to 9).
The difference between the largest integer and the smallest integer.

Visual Presentation:

Python: Find the difference between the largest integer and the smallest integer which are created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Print statement to prompt the user to input an integer created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9
print("Input an integer created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9.:")

# Convert the input integer to a list of characters
num = list(input())

# Print statement to calculate and display the difference between the largest and smallest integer from the given integer
print("Difference between the largest and the smallest integer from the given integer:")

# Convert the list of characters to integers after sorting in ascending and descending order
# Calculate the difference between the largest and smallest integers and print the result
print(int("".join(sorted(num, reverse=True))) - int("".join(sorted(num))))

Sample Output:

Input an integer created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9.:
Difference between the largest and the smallest integer from the given integer:


Here is a breakdown of the above Python code:

  • The above code prompts the user to input an integer created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9.
  • User input is converted into a list of characters.
  • The code calculates the difference between the largest and smallest integers created from the given input.
  • Finally the result is printed.


Flowchart: Python - Find the difference between the largest integer and the smallest integer which are created by 8 numbers from 0 to 9

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Python program to replace a string "Python" with "Java" and "Java" with "Python" in a given string.
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