
Build a Basic Alarm Clock in Python with Tkinter

Basic Alarm Clock with GUI:

Build an alarm clock with a graphical user interface.

Input values:
1. User interacts with the graphical user interface (GUI) by setting the alarm time and activating/deactivating the alarm.
2. Users can also snooze or dismiss the alarm when it rings.

Output value:
Visual representation of the alarm clock interface displaying the current time, set alarm time, and feedback on alarm activation/deactivation.


Input values:
1. Set alarm time: 07:00 AM
- User sets the alarm time to 7:00 AM.
Output value:
Visual representation of the alarm clock interface displays the set alarm time as 07:00 AM.
Input values:
2. Activate alarm
- User activates the alarm.
Output value:
Visual representation of the alarm clock interface displays the alarm activated and waits for the set alarm time.
Input values:
3. Alarm rings at 07:00 AM
- The current time matches the set alarm time, and the alarm rings.
Output value:
Visual representation of the alarm clock interface displays the alarm ringing with options to snooze or dismiss.
Input values:
4. Snooze alarm
- User selects the Snooze option to delay the alarm for a specified duration.
Output value:
Visual representation of the alarm clock interface displays the alarm snoozed for the specified duration.
Input values:
5. Dismiss alarm
- User selects the dismiss option to stop the alarm ringing.
Output value:
Visual representation of the alarm clock interface displays the alarm dismissed, and the interface returns to the regular state. 

Solution 1: Basic Alarm Clock with Tkinter GUI


  • Install playsound for playing sound
    • pip install playsound
  • Install pygame if you haven’t already:
    • pip install pygame


 import tkinter as tk
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
import pygame

# Initialize pygame mixer

# Function to check the current time and play the alarm sound
def check_alarm(set_time):
    while True:
        current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M")
        if current_time == set_time:
            pygame.mixer.music.load('morning.wav')  # Load the sound file
            pygame.mixer.music.play()  # Play the sound

# Function to set the alarm
def set_alarm():
    alarm_time = f"{hour.get()}:{minute.get()}"
    Thread(target=check_alarm, args=(alarm_time,)).start()

# Initialize main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Alarm Clock")

# Create labels and input fields for hour and minute
tk.Label(root, text="Set Alarm Time (24-hour format)").pack(pady=10)
hour = tk.Entry(root, width=5)
hour.insert(0, "HH")

minute = tk.Entry(root, width=5)
minute.insert(0, "MM")

# Button to set the alarm
set_button = tk.Button(root, text="Set Alarm", command=set_alarm)



Python: Basic Alarm Clock.


  • Tkinter GUI: Uses Tkinter for creating a simple GUI with time input fields and a button to set the alarm.
  • Alarm Sound: Uses the playsound library to play an alarm sound when the set time is reached.
  • Multi-threading: Runs the alarm check in a separate thread to avoid freezing the GUI.
  • User Input: User inputs the time in a 24-hour format.

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