
Python Project - Basic Calendar App with Tkinter and PyQt5

Calendar App:

Create a basic calendar application that allows users to add events.

Input values:
User interacts with the calendar application by adding events, specifying event details such as date, time, and description.

Output value:
Visual representation of the calendar with added events and feedback on user actions (addition, deletion).


Input values:
1. Add an event
- Input event date: 2015-02-15
- Input event time: 10:00 AM
- Input event description: Meeting with the client.
Output value:
Calendar app displays the event "Meeting with client" on February 15, 2015, at 10:00 AM.
Input values:
2. Add another event
- Input event date: 2015-02-20
- Input event time: 2:30 PM
- Input event description: Team brainstorming session
Output value:
Calendar app displays the event "Team brainstorming session" on February 20, 2015, at 2:30 PM.
Input values:
3. Delete an event
- Input event date to delete: 2015-02-15
- Input event time to delete: 10:00 AM
Output value:
Calendar app removes "Meeting with client" from February 15, 2015.
Input values:
4. View the calendar
Output value:
Calendar app displays all scheduled events for the month.

Here are two different solutions for a Calendar Application that allows users to add, delete, and view events with a simple user interface. Each solution uses different frameworks: Tkinter for the first solution and PyQt5 for the second.

Solution 1: Calendar App Using Tkinter

This solution uses the Tkinter library, which is a built-in GUI toolkit in Python, to create a basic calendar application with a simple user interface.


 # Solution 1: Calendar App Using Tkinter

from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Entry, StringVar, messagebox
from tkcalendar import Calendar
import datetime

class CalendarApp:
    """Class to create a Calendar Application using Tkinter."""
    def __init__(self, root):
        """Initialize the CalendarApp with the main Tkinter window."""
        self.root = root
        self.root.title("Basic Calendar App")
        self.events = {}  # Dictionary to store events
        # Calendar widget
        self.cal = Calendar(root, selectmode='day', year=2024, month=1, day=1)
        self.cal.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=10, pady=10)
        # Event details entry fields
        self.date_var = StringVar()
        self.time_var = StringVar()
        self.desc_var = StringVar()
        Label(root, text="Event Date (YYYY-MM-DD):").grid(row=1, column=0)
        self.date_entry = Entry(root, textvariable=self.date_var)
        self.date_entry.grid(row=1, column=1)

        Label(root, text="Event Time (HH:MM AM/PM):").grid(row=2, column=0)
        self.time_entry = Entry(root, textvariable=self.time_var)
        self.time_entry.grid(row=2, column=1)

        Label(root, text="Event Description:").grid(row=3, column=0)
        self.desc_entry = Entry(root, textvariable=self.desc_var)
        self.desc_entry.grid(row=3, column=1)
        # Add and Delete buttons
        add_button = Button(root, text="Add Event", command=self.add_event)
        add_button.grid(row=4, column=0, pady=10)

        delete_button = Button(root, text="Delete Event", command=self.delete_event)
        delete_button.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=10)

        view_button = Button(root, text="View Events", command=self.view_events)
        view_button.grid(row=4, column=2, pady=10)

    def add_event(self):
        """Add an event to the calendar."""
        event_date = self.date_var.get()
        event_time = self.time_var.get()
        event_desc = self.desc_var.get()

        # Validate input
        if not event_date or not event_time or not event_desc:
            messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "All fields are required.")

            datetime.datetime.strptime(event_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        except ValueError:
            messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Invalid date format. Use YYYY-MM-DD.")

        # Add event to dictionary
        self.events[(event_date, event_time)] = event_desc
        messagebox.showinfo("Event Added", f"Event '{event_desc}' added on {event_date} at {event_time}.")

    def delete_event(self):
        """Delete an event from the calendar."""
        event_date = self.date_var.get()
        event_time = self.time_var.get()

        # Validate input
        if not event_date or not event_time:
            messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Event date and time are required for deletion.")

        # Remove event if exists
        if (event_date, event_time) in self.events:
            del self.events[(event_date, event_time)]
            messagebox.showinfo("Event Deleted", f"Event on {event_date} at {event_time} has been deleted.")
            messagebox.showwarning("Event Not Found", "No event found for the given date and time.")

    def view_events(self):
        """View all events on the calendar."""
        events_list = "\n".join([f"{date} at {time}: {desc}" for (date, time), desc in self.events.items()])
        if events_list:
            messagebox.showinfo("All Events", events_list)
            messagebox.showinfo("No Events", "No events found.")

    def clear_inputs(self):
        """Clear the input fields."""

# Run the Tkinter calendar application
root = Tk()
app = CalendarApp(root)


Python: Calender App using Tkinter view events.

Python: Calender App using Tkinter add events.


  • Tkinter Setup:
    • Creates a main window using Tkinter and initializes the calendar with the tkcalendar library.
  • Event Dictionary:
    • Uses a dictionary (self.events) to store events with keys as (date, time) tuples and values as event descriptions.
  • Adding Events:
    • Users input the date, time, and description of the event, which is then validated and added to the event dictionary.
  • Deleting Events:
    • Deletes events by matching the date and time provided by the user.
  • Viewing Events:
    • Displays all events stored in the dictionary using a messagebox.

Solution 2: Calendar App Using PyQt5

This solution uses the PyQt5 library to create a calendar application with a graphical user interface.


# Solution 2: Calendar App Using PyQt5

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, QLineEdit, QMessageBox, QCalendarWidget
import sys

class CalendarApp(QMainWindow):
    """Class to create a Calendar Application using PyQt5."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the CalendarApp with the main PyQt5 window."""
        self.setWindowTitle("Basic Calendar App")
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 400)
        self.events = {}  # Dictionary to store events

        # Set up the user interface

    def setup_ui(self):
        """Set up the user interface with widgets."""
        central_widget = QWidget()
        layout = QVBoxLayout()

        # Calendar widget
        self.calendar = QCalendarWidget(self)

        # Event details entry fields
        self.date_input = QLineEdit(self)
        self.date_input.setPlaceholderText("Enter Date (YYYY-MM-DD)")

        self.time_input = QLineEdit(self)
        self.time_input.setPlaceholderText("Enter Time (HH:MM AM/PM)")

        self.desc_input = QLineEdit(self)
        self.desc_input.setPlaceholderText("Enter Event Description")

        # Add, Delete, and View buttons
        add_button = QPushButton("Add Event", self)

        delete_button = QPushButton("Delete Event", self)

        view_button = QPushButton("View Events", self)


    def add_event(self):
        """Add an event to the calendar."""
        event_date = self.date_input.text()
        event_time = self.time_input.text()
        event_desc = self.desc_input.text()

        # Validate input
        if not event_date or not event_time or not event_desc:
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Input Error", "All fields are required.")

        # Add event to dictionary
        self.events[(event_date, event_time)] = event_desc
        QMessageBox.information(self, "Event Added", f"Event '{event_desc}' added on {event_date} at {event_time}.")

    def delete_event(self):
        """Delete an event from the calendar."""
        event_date = self.date_input.text()
        event_time = self.time_input.text()

        # Validate input
        if not event_date or not event_time:
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Input Error", "Event date and time are required for deletion.")

        # Remove event if exists
        if (event_date, event_time) in self.events:
            del self.events[(event_date, event_time)]
            QMessageBox.information(self, "Event Deleted", f"Event on {event_date} at {event_time} has been deleted.")
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Event Not Found", "No event found for the given date and time.")

    def view_events(self):
        """View all events on the calendar."""
        events_list = "\n".join([f"{date} at {time}: {desc}" for (date, time), desc in self.events.items()])
        if events_list:
            QMessageBox.information(self, "All Events", events_list)
            QMessageBox.information(self, "No Events", "No events found.")

    def clear_inputs(self):
        """Clear the input fields."""

# Run the PyQt5 calendar application
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = CalendarApp()


Python: Calender App.


  • PyQt5 Setup:
    • Uses PyQt5 to create a GUI application with a calendar widget, input fields, and buttons for user interaction.
  • Event Storage:
    • Stores events in a dictionary (self.events) with keys as (date, time) and values as event descriptions.
  • Add Event:
    • Adds an event after validating the input fields for date, time, and description.
  • Delete Event:
    • Deletes an event by matching the provided date and time.
  • View Events:
    • Displays all scheduled events in a message box.
  • Clear Inputs:
    • Clears the input fields after adding or deleting events.

Both solutions effectively create a basic calendar application with event management functionality using two different GUI libraries (Tkinter and PyQt5). Each provides a different approach to creating a graphical user interface for a calendar app.

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