
Java Simple Voting System Project

Two Solutions for Implementing a Voting System in Java:

Simple Voting System:

Input: Candidate name or number to vote for.
Output: Confirmation of the vote and updated vote count for each candidate.


  • Input: "Vote for Candidate 1"
  • Output: "Vote cast for Candidate 1. Current votes: Candidate 1: 10 votes, Candidate 2: 7 votes."

Solution 1: Simple Voting System using an Array

This solution uses an array to store votes for each candidate.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class VotingSystemArray {
    // Array to store votes for candidates
    private static int[] votes = new int[3];  // Assuming 3 candidates

    // Method to cast a vote
    public static void castVote(int candidate) {
        if (candidate >= 1 && candidate <= votes.length) {
            votes[candidate - 1]++;  // Increment vote count for the chosen candidate
            System.out.println("Vote cast for Candidate " + candidate);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Invalid candidate number. Try again.");

    // Method to display the vote count
    public static void displayResults() {
        for (int i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("Candidate " + (i + 1) + ": " + votes[i] + " votes");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        boolean voting = true;

        while (voting) {
            System.out.println("Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:");
            int input = scanner.nextInt();

            if (input == 0) {
                voting = false;  // End voting if input is 0
            } else {
                castVote(input);  // Cast a vote

        System.out.println("Voting has ended. Final results:");
        displayResults();  // Display final results


Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:
Vote cast for Candidate 2
Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:
Vote cast for Candidate 1
Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:
Vote cast for Candidate 1
Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:
Vote cast for Candidate 2
Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:
Vote cast for Candidate 2
Enter the candidate number to vote for (1-3), or 0 to end voting:
Voting has ended. Final results:
Candidate 1: 2 votes
Candidate 2: 3 votes
Candidate 3: 0 votes

Explanation :

  • Votes Array: An array stores votes for each candidate.
  • Input: The user enters a candidate number or 0 to end voting.
  • castVote(): This method increments the vote count for the selected candidate.
  • displayResults(): Shows the total vote count for all candidates.
  • Voting Loop: Continues until the user enters 0.

Solution 2: Simple Voting System using a HashMap

This solution uses a HashMap to store candidate names and vote counts.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class VotingSystemHashMap {
    // HashMap to store candidate names and vote counts
    private static HashMap votes = new HashMap<>();

    // Method to initialize candidates
    public static void initializeCandidates() {
        votes.put("Candidate 1", 0);
        votes.put("Candidate 2", 0);
        votes.put("Candidate 3", 0);

    // Method to cast a vote
    public static void castVote(String candidate) {
        if (votes.containsKey(candidate)) {
            votes.put(candidate, votes.get(candidate) + 1);  // Increment vote count
            System.out.println("Vote cast for " + candidate);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Invalid candidate. Try again.");

    // Method to display the vote count
    public static void displayResults() {
        for (String candidate : votes.keySet()) {
            System.out.println(candidate + ": " + votes.get(candidate) + " votes");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        boolean voting = true;
        initializeCandidates();  // Initialize candidates

        while (voting) {
            System.out.println("Enter the candidate name to vote for (Candidate 1-3), or 'exit' to end voting:");
            String input = scanner.nextLine();

            if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) {
                voting = false;  // End voting if input is 'exit'
            } else {
                castVote(input);  // Cast a vote

        System.out.println("Voting has ended. Final results:");
        displayResults();  // Display final results


Enter the candidate name to vote for (Candidate 1-3), or 'exit' to end voting:
 Candidate 1
Vote cast for Candidate 1
Enter the candidate name to vote for (Candidate 1-3), or 'exit' to end voting:
 Candidate 2
Vote cast for Candidate 2
Enter the candidate name to vote for (Candidate 1-3), or 'exit' to end voting:
 Candidate 1
Vote cast for Candidate 1
Enter the candidate name to vote for (Candidate 1-3), or 'exit' to end voting:
 Candidate 1
Vote cast for Candidate 1
Enter the candidate name to vote for (Candidate 1-3), or 'exit' to end voting:
Voting has ended. Final results:
Candidate 3: 0 votes
Candidate 2: 1 votes
Candidate 1: 3 votes


  • HashMap: Stores candidate names and vote counts.
  • initializeCandidates(): Initializes candidates with zero votes.
  • Input: The user enters a candidate name or exit to end voting.
  • castVote(): Increments the vote count for the selected candidate if valid.
  • displayResults(): Shows the total vote count for all candidates.
  • Voting Loop: Continues until the user enters exit.

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