
PostgreSQL Restricting and Sorting Data: Display the names, salary and PF of all employees

10. Write a query to display the name, including first_name, last_name, salary and 15% of salary as PF of all employees.

Sample Solution:


SELECT first_name, last_name, salary, salary*.15 PF 
FROM employees;

Sample table: employees


pg_exercises=# SELECT first_name, last_name, salary, salary*.15 PF
pg_exercises-# FROM employees;
 first_name  |  last_name  |  salary  |    pf
 Steven      | King        | 24000.00 | 3600.0000
 Neena       | Kochhar     | 17000.00 | 2550.0000
 Lex         | De Haan     | 17000.00 | 2550.0000
 Alexander   | Hunold      |  9000.00 | 1350.0000
 Bruce       | Ernst       |  6000.00 |  900.0000
 David       | Austin      |  4800.00 |  720.0000
 Luis        | Popp        |  6900.00 | 1035.0000
 Den         | Raphaely    | 11000.00 | 1650.0000
 Alexander   | Khoo        |  3100.00 |  465.0000
 Shelli      | Baida       |  2900.00 |  435.0000
 Sigal       | Tobias      |  2800.00 |  420.0000
 Guy         | Himuro      |  2600.00 |  390.0000
 Karen       | Colmenares  |  2500.00 |  375.0000
 Steven      | Markle      |  2200.00 |  330.0000
 Laura       | Bissot      |  3300.00 |  495.0000
 Mozhe       | Atkinson    |  2800.00 |  420.0000
 James       | Marlow      |  2500.00 |  375.0000
 TJ          | Olson       |  2100.00 |  315.0000
 Renske      | Ladwig      |  3600.00 |  540.0000
 Stephen     | Stiles      |  3200.00 |  480.0000
 John        | Seo         |  2700.00 |  405.0000
 Joshua      | Patel       |  2500.00 |  375.0000
 Trenna      | Rajs        |  3500.00 |  525.0000
 Hermann     | Baer        | 10000.00 | 1500.0000
 Shelley     | Higgins     | 12000.00 | 1800.0000
 William     | Gietz       |  8300.00 | 1245.0000
 (107 rows)

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Previous: Write a query to display the jobs/designations available in the employees table.
Next: Write a query to select all information of employees whose last name is either 'JONES' or 'BLAKE' or 'SCOTT' or 'KING' or 'FORD'.

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