Trigger Computed Changes by Updating Base Data in a View
Update a View with Computed Columns by Modifying Base Data
Write a PostgreSQL query to update underlying data through a view that includes computed columns.
-- Update the salary via the EmployeeBonusView; bonus is computed as 10% of salary.
UPDATE EmployeeBonusView -- The view displays salary and computed bonus.
SET salary = salary + 1000 -- Increase the salary, which will also change the computed bonus.
WHERE employee_id = 105; -- Identify the employee.
- Purpose of the Query:
- The goal is to update the base column (salary) through a view that also calculates a bonus. o This demonstrates that computed columns (like bonus) are recalculated automatically when base data changes.
- Key Components:
- UPDATE EmployeeBonusView : Specifies the view that includes a computed bonus column.
- SET salary = salary + 1000 : Modifies the base salary.
- WHERE employee_id = 105 : Targets a specific employee.
- Real-World Application:
- Useful for financial adjustments where computed values (e.g., bonus, tax) update dynamically.
- The computed column is not stored but derived on the fly based on the updated data.
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update an employee's base salary through a view that computes a tax deduction column dynamically.
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update the base cost of a product using a view that calculates discount and tax values on the fly.
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update a student's raw score via a view that automatically recalculates the final grade using computed bonus points.
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update a product's base price through a view that derives a computed profit margin column from the updated value.
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Previous PostgreSQL Exercise: Update Data through a View with Column Aliases.
Next PostgreSQL Exercise: Update Data through a Partitioned View.
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