Update Records via View with Enforced Conditions
Update Data through a View with WITH CHECK OPTION
Write a PostgreSQL query to update an employee's department via a view that enforces a condition using WITH CHECK OPTION.
-- Update the department of an active employee via the ActiveEmployees view.
UPDATE ActiveEmployees -- The view includes only rows where status = 'active'.
SET department = 'Marketing' -- Set the new department.
WHERE employee_id = 102; -- Identify the employee.
- Purpose of the Query:
- The goal is to update data via a view that restricts modifications to rows meeting a specific condition.
- This demonstrates the use of WITH CHECK OPTION, which ensures that any change still satisfies the view’s condition.
- Key Components:
- UPDATE ActiveEmployees : Specifies the view that filters active employees.
- SET department = 'Marketing' : Updates the department column.
- WHERE employee_id = 102 : Targets a particular row.
- Real-World Application:
- Helps enforce business rules, such as only updating records for active employees.
- If the update would cause a row to violate the view’s condition, the operation is rejected.
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update the salary via a view that only permits changes if the new salary exceeds the department’s average, enforced by WITH CHECK OPTION.
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update an employee’s role through a view that restricts updates to active employees using WITH CHECK OPTION.
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update the department field in a view that validates the new department ID against a list of allowed IDs via WITH CHECK OPTION.
- Write a PostgreSQL query to update an employee’s contact information through a view that enforces a regex pattern on the phone number using WITH CHECK OPTION.
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