
Secure Funds Transfer Using Transactional Updates

Transaction for Fund Transfer between Accounts

Write a PostgreSQL query to transfer funds between two accounts using a transaction.


-- Begin the transaction.

-- Subtract $100 from the sender's account.
UPDATE Accounts
SET balance = balance - 100
WHERE account_id = 1;

-- Add $100 to the receiver's account.
UPDATE Accounts
SET balance = balance + 100
WHERE account_id = 2;

-- Commit the transaction to complete the transfer.


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • To ensure that the debit and credit operations occur together atomically.
    • Prevents scenarios where one update occurs without the other.
  • Key Components:
    • Two UPDATE statements: one for debiting and one for crediting.
    • BEGIN and COMMIT to ensure atomicity.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Essential in financial systems where accurate fund transfers are critical.


  • In the event of an error, the transaction would need to be rolled back to avoid inconsistent balances.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL query to transfer funds between two accounts ensuring the sender's balance is sufficient, then commit the transaction.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to perform a fund transfer between two accounts and insert a record into a Transfers log table within a transaction.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to lock the sender's and receiver's account rows with SELECT FOR UPDATE, then update their balances as part of a fund transfer transaction.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to transfer funds between two accounts using SAVEPOINT to allow partial rollback if a condition is not met.

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Previous PostgreSQL Exercise: Multi-Operation Transaction with COMMIT.

Next PostgreSQL Exercise: Transaction to Insert and Update Related Records.

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