
View Detailed Information on Sales Table Partitions

Checking Partitioned Table Information

Write a PostgreSQL query to display partition details for the Sales table.


-- Get details of partitions in the Sales table.
-- Select partition name and parent table using type conversion to regclass for readability.
SELECT inhrelid::regclass AS partition_name, inhparent::regclass AS parent_table
-- Retrieve the information from the system catalog table that stores inheritance details.
FROM pg_inherits
-- Filter to include only partitions where the parent table is Sales.
WHERE inhparent = 'Sales'::regclass;


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • Retrieves information about existing partitions.
  • Key Components:
    • Queries pg_inherits, the system catalog table for partitions.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Useful for verifying partitioning structure in large databases.


  • Run this query before performing partition management tasks.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL query to list all partitions of a given table along with their row counts.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to display each partition’s boundaries and partitioning key values.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to retrieve the storage size for each partition in a partitioned table.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to check the last modification timestamp for each partition of a table.

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Previous PostgreSQL Exercise: Creating an Index on a Partitioned Table.

Next PostgreSQL Exercise: Inserting Data into a Partitioned Table.

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