
Remove a Customer Record Safely Within a Transaction

Transaction for Deleting a Record Safely

Write a PostgreSQL query to delete a customer record within a transaction and commit the change.


-- Begin the transaction.

-- Delete a customer record from the Customers table.
WHERE customer_id = 15;

-- Commit the transaction to finalize the deletion.


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • To safely remove a record from the database within a controlled transaction.
    • Ensures that the deletion is isolated and can be rolled back if necessary.
  • Key Components:
    • DELETE FROM Customers ... : Removes the specified record.
    • BEGIN and COMMIT : Enclose the deletion in a transaction.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Important for operations where accidental deletions must be prevented by using transactional controls.


  • Using transactions for deletions allows for recovery if subsequent issues are detected.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL query to delete a record from the Sessions table within a transaction and commit the change.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to delete a customer record from the Customers table and insert a log into the DeletionLog table, then commit within a transaction.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to delete a product from the Products table and update related order records within a transaction.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to delete a user from the Users table and update an audit trail table, all within a transaction.

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Previous PostgreSQL Exercise: Transaction Using SELECT FOR UPDATE for Row Locking.

Next PostgreSQL Exercise: Transaction with Conditional Check (Simulated Error Scenario).

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