
Set Up Year-Based Partitions for Sales Table

Creating Partitions for a Range-Partitioned Table

Write a PostgreSQL query to create partitions for the Sales table, storing sales data for the years 2023 and 2024.


-- Create a partitioned table for sales data based on the sale year.
    -- Define an auto-incrementing primary key column named id.
    -- Define a non-nullable column sale_date of type DATE.
    sale_date DATE NOT NULL,
    -- Define a non-nullable column amount of type NUMERIC with precision 10 and scale 2.
    amount NUMERIC(10,2) NOT NULL
) PARTITION BY RANGE (sale_date);


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • Creates partitions for storing sales data separately for each year.
  • Key Components:
    • FOR VALUES FROM ... TO ...: Specifies the date range for each partition.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Helps in managing historical data by keeping older records in separate tables.


  • New partitions must be added manually for upcoming years.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL query to create partitions for a Range-Partitioned table covering transaction data for 2022, 2023, and 2024.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to create a partition for a Range-Partitioned table specifically for data occurring on leap day.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to create a partition for a Range-Partitioned table that covers Q1 of 2023.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to create monthly partitions for a Range-Partitioned table for the entire year of 2023.

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Previous PostgreSQL Exercise: Creating a Range-Partitioned Table.

Next PostgreSQL Exercise: Creating a List-Partitioned Table.

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