
Generate Regional Sales Summaries with a PostgreSQL Function

Aggregated Sales Data by Region

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a function that returns aggregated sales data grouped by region from the Sales table.


-- Create or replace a function named get_sales_by_region that returns aggregated sales data by region
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_sales_by_region() 
-- Specify that the function returns a table with columns region (TEXT) and total_sales (NUMERIC)
RETURNS TABLE(region TEXT, total_sales NUMERIC) AS $$
-- Begin the function block
    -- Return the result of the following query
    -- Select the region and the sum of sale_amount from the Sales table
    SELECT region, SUM(sale_amount) 
    -- Specify the Sales table as the source of data
    FROM Sales 
    -- Group the results by region to aggregate sales per region
    GROUP BY region;
-- End the function block
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to generate a summary of sales totals for each region.
    • This demonstrates the use of the RETURNS TABLE clause for returning multiple columns.
  • Key Components:
    • RETURNS TABLE(region TEXT, total_sales NUMERIC) : Defines the structure of the returned result set.
    • GROUP BY region : Aggregates sales data by region.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Useful for generating regional sales reports and business intelligence analytics.


  • The Sales table must have region and sale_amount columns.
  • Consider performance implications when aggregating large datasets.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL function that returns aggregated sales data by product category within each region.
  • Write a PostgreSQL function that returns monthly aggregated sales totals for each region over the last year.
  • Write a PostgreSQL function that returns aggregated sales data by region, filtering out regions with sales below a certain threshold.
  • Write a PostgreSQL function that returns aggregated sales data by region, including the average sale amount per region.

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