
Fetch Recent Orders with a refcursor Using a PostgreSQL function

Return Orders Cursor

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a function that opens a cursor and returns a result set of orders placed in the last month.


-- Create or replace a function named get_recent_orders
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_recent_orders() 
-- Specify that the function returns a refcursor
RETURNS refcursor AS $$
-- Declare the variables for the function
    -- Declare a refcursor variable named cur
    cur refcursor;
-- Begin the function execution block
    -- Open the refcursor cur for the following query
    OPEN cur FOR 
    -- Select all columns from the Orders table
    SELECT * FROM Orders 
    -- Filter orders where the order_date is within the last month
    WHERE order_date >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month';
    -- Return the opened refcursor cur
    RETURN cur;
-- End the function execution block
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to provide a cursor that points to orders from the last month.
    • This demonstrates how to work with cursors for large result sets.
  • Key Components:
    • DECLARE cur refcursor; : Declares a cursor variable.
    • OPEN cur FOR SELECT ... : Opens the cursor for the specified query.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Useful when dealing with large datasets that require iterative processing or streaming.


  • Ensure that the Orders table contains an order_date column.
  • Cursors can improve performance for processing large volumes of data.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL function to open a cursor that returns orders placed in the last week with support for pagination.
  • Write a PostgreSQL function to open a cursor that returns orders with a status of 'pending' sorted by order date.
  • Write a PostgreSQL function to open a cursor that returns orders and computes a priority based on order total.
  • Write a PostgreSQL function to open a cursor that returns orders placed by a specific customer within the last month.

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