
Determine Record Counts for each Sales Partition

Count Records in Each Partition

Write a PostgreSQL query to count the number of records in each partition of the Sales table.


-- Count records in each partition of the Sales table
SELECT tableoid::regclass AS partition_name,  -- Convert tableoid to regclass for a human-readable partition name
       COUNT(*) AS record_count               -- Count the number of records in each partition
FROM Sales                                   -- Query the partitioned Sales table
GROUP BY tableoid;                           -- Group the results by the partition identifier (tableoid)


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • Counts records in each partition to analyze data distribution.
  • Key Components:
    • tableoid::regclass: Retrieves the partition name dynamically.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Helps in monitoring partition sizes and load balancing.


  • tableoid provides internal table identifiers.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a PostgreSQL query to count the number of records in each partition and display the results sorted by record count.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to count records in each partition and filter out partitions with fewer than a specified number of rows.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to count records in each partition using a subquery that retrieves partition names from the system catalog.
  • Write a PostgreSQL query to count records in each partition and include each partition’s boundary values in the output.

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Previous PostgreSQL Exercise: Retrieve Data from Multiple Partitions.

Next PostgreSQL Exercise: Query Data using Index Scan on Partitioned Table.

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