
PostgreSQL Basic SELECT Statement: Get the average salary and number of employees are working

8. Write a query to get the average salary and number of employees are working.

Sample Solution:


-- Calculating the average salary and counting the total number of records in the employees table
SELECT AVG(salary), COUNT(*) 
-- Selecting data from the employees table
FROM employees;


  • This SQL code calculates the average salary and counts the total number of records (rows) in the "employees" table.
  • The AVG() function calculates the average value of the "salary" column.
  • The COUNT(*) function counts the total number of records in the table.
  • The result set will contain two columns: the average salary and the total count of records in the employees table.

Sample table: employees


pg_exercises=# SELECT AVG(salary), COUNT(*)
pg_exercises-# FROM employees;
          avg          | count
 6461.6822429906542056 |   107
(1 row)

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Previous: Write a query to get the maximum and minimum salary paid to the employees.
Next: Write a query to get the number of employees working with the company.

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