PL/SQL Program: Display job ids, titles, and minimum salaries of all jobs
PL/SQL While Loop: Exercise-7 with Solution
Write a PL/SQL program to display the job IDs, titles, and minimum salaries of all jobs.
Sample Solution:
Table: jobsjob_id varchar(25) job_title varchar(50) min_salary integer max_salary integer
PL/SQL Code:
CURSOR job_cursor IS
SELECT job_id, job_title, min_salary
FROM jobs;
OPEN job_cursor;
FETCH job_cursor INTO job_record;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job ID: ' || job_record.job_id);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Title: ' || job_record.job_title);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Minimum Salary: ' || job_record.min_salary);
FETCH job_cursor INTO job_record;
CLOSE job_cursor;
Sample Output:
Job ID: AD_PRES Job Title: President Minimum Salary: 20000 ------------------------- Job ID: AD_VP Job Title: Administration Vice President Minimum Salary: 15000 ------------------------- Job ID: AD_ASST Job Title: Administration Assistant Minimum Salary: 3000 ------------------------- Job ID: FI_MGR Job Title: Finance Manager Minimum Salary: 8200 ------------------------- Job ID: FI_ACCOUNT Job Title: Accountant Minimum Salary: 4200 ------------------------- Job ID: AC_MGR Job Title: Accounting Manager Minimum Salary: 8200 ------------------------- Job ID: AC_ACCOUNT Job Title: Public Accountant Minimum Salary: 4200 ------------------------- Job ID: SA_MAN Job Title: Sales Manager Minimum Salary: 10000 ------------------------- .....
The said code in Oracle's PL/SQL that retrieves and display the job details, including their IDs, titles, and minimum salaries.
The cursor job_cursor is defined to select the job_id, job_title, and min_salary columns from the jobs table and then declares a variable job_record of type job_cursor, which store each fetched row.
The FETCH statement fetches the first row from the job_cursor into the job_record variable and the WHILE loop checks whether there are more rows to fetch from the cursor.
Within the loop, the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE displays the job ID, job title, and minimum salary for each job.
The loop continues until there are no more rows to fetch.
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Previous: Display employee ids, names, and manager names.
Next: Employee data retrieval using cursor in PL/SQL.
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