PL/SQL program: Display Departments and Employees
PL/SQL While Loop: Exercise-12 with Solution
Write a PL/SQL program to display all the departments along with the names of employees working in each department.
Sample Solution:
Table: employees
employee_id integer first_name varchar(25) last_name varchar(25) email archar(25) phone_number varchar(15) hire_date date job_id varchar(25) salary integer commission_pct decimal(5,2) manager_id integer department_id integer
Table: departments
department_id integer department_name varchar(25) manager_id integer location_id integer
PL/SQL Code:
CURSOR c_departments IS
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments;
CURSOR c_employees (p_department_id IN departments.department_id%TYPE) IS
SELECT first_name
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = p_department_id;
OPEN c_departments;
FETCH c_departments INTO v_department_id, v_department_name;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Department' || CHR(9) || 'First_Name');
WHILE c_departments%FOUND LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_department_name || CHR(9));
OPEN c_employees(v_department_id);
FETCH c_employees INTO v_employee_name;
WHILE c_employees%FOUND LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(CHR(9) || CHR(9) || v_employee_name);
FETCH c_employees INTO v_employee_name;
CLOSE c_employees;
FETCH c_departments INTO v_department_id, v_department_name;
CLOSE c_departments;
Sample Output:
Department First_Name ------------------------------------------------- Administration Jennifer ------------------------------------------------- Marketing Michael Pat ------------------------------------------------- Purchasing Den Alexander Shelli Sigal Guy Karen ------------------------------------------------- Human Resources Susan ------------------------------------------------- Shipping Matthew Adam Payam .....
The said code in Oracle's PL/SQL that retrieves department information and their respective employees from a 'employees' and 'departments' tables and displays the results.
Three variables v_department_id, v_department_name, and v_employee_name are declared that stores the retrieved values from the departments and employees tables.
Two cursors c_departments that retrieves all department_id and department_name values from the departments table and the c_employees cursor is a nested cursor that retrieves the first_name of employees belonging to a specific department, identified by the p_department_id parameter are declared.
The FETCH statement retrieves the department_id and department_name from the c_departments cursor and assign into the variables.
The WHILE loop iterates over the departments retrieved by the c_departments cursor.
The another FETCH statement retrieves the first_name of an employee into the v_employee_name variable.
The nested WHILE loop iterates over the employees of the current department retrieved by the c_employees cursor.
The first_name of each employee is displayed using DBMS_OUTPUT.
The FETCH statement fetches the next employee's first_name.
The FETCH statement retrieves the next department_id and department_name from the c_departments cursor into the respective variables.
Continue looping: The loop continues until all departments are processed.
Previous: Display department information.
Next: Average salary by job title.
What is the difficulty level of this exercise?
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