Handling VALUE_ERROR exception in PL/SQL: Code Example
PL/SQL Exception Handling: Exercise-6 with Solution
Handle the VALUE_ERROR exception when assigning an incompatible value to a variable.
Sample Solution:
Table: employees
employee_id integer first_name varchar(25) last_name varchar(25) email archar(25) phone_number varchar(15) hire_date date job_id varchar(25) salary integer commission_pct decimal(5,2) manager_id integer department_id integer
PL/SQL Code:
v_employee_id NUMBER;
v_result NUMBER;
SELECT first_name
INTO v_incompatible_value
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 105;
v_employee_id := TO_NUMBER(v_incompatible_value);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Assignment successful.');
v_result := v_incompatible_value;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Result: ' || v_result);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error: VALUE_ERROR exception message:');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Incompatible value assignment.');
Sample Output:
Error: VALUE_ERROR exception message: Incompatible value assignment.
The said code in Oracle's PL/SQL demonstrates how to handle a VALUE_ERROR exception that may occur when attempting to convert a string value to a number.
Three variables v_employee_id of type NUMBER, v_incompatible_value of type VARCHAR2, and v_result of type NUMBER are declared.
A SELECT statement retrieves the first_name from the 'employees' table where employee_id is 105. The fetched value is stored in the v_incompatible_value variable.
Within the nested block, the code attempts to convert v_incompatible_value to a NUMBER using the TO_NUMBER function and assigns the result to v_employee_id. If the conversion is successful, it outputs a message indicating the successful assignment.
The code then try to assigns v_incompatible_value to v_result and if a VALUE_ERROR exception occurs during the conversion process, the exception block is triggered and outputs an error message indicating the VALUE_ERROR exception and notifies about the incompatible value assignment.

Previous: Handling DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception in PL/SQL.
Next: PL/SQL Program Handling Internal Error.
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