PL/SQL Cursor Exercises: Display the employee ID, first name, job title and the start date of present job
PL/SQL Cursor: Exercise-35 with Solution
Write a PL/SQL block to display the employee ID, first name, job title and the start date of present job.
Displays first name, job title, start date
Sample Solution:
Table: employees
employee_id integer first_name varchar(25) last_name varchar(25) email archar(25) phone_number varchar(15) hire_date date job_id varchar(25) salary integer commission_pct decimal(5,2) manager_id integer department_id integerTable: jobs
job_id varchar(25) job_title varchar(50) min_salary integer max_salary integerTable: job_history
employee_id integer start_date date end_date date job_id varchar(25) department_id integer
PL/SQL Code:
CURSOR employees_cur IS
SELECT employee_id,
FROM employees
NATURAL join jobs;
emp_first_date DATE;
dbms_output.Put_line(Rpad('Employee ID', 15)
||Rpad('First Name', 25)
||Rpad('Job Title', 35)
||'First Date');
FOR emp_sal_rec IN employees_cur LOOP
-- find out most recent end_date in job_history
SELECT Max(end_date) + 1
INTO emp_first_date
FROM job_history
WHERE employee_id = emp_sal_rec.employee_id;
IF emp_first_date IS NULL THEN
emp_first_date := emp_sal_rec.hire_date;
dbms_output.Put_line(Rpad(emp_sal_rec.employee_id, 15)
||Rpad(emp_sal_rec.first_name, 25)
|| Rpad(emp_sal_rec.job_title, 35)
|| To_char(emp_first_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy'));
Sample Output:
SQL> / Employee ID First Name Job Title First Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 206 William Public Accountant 07-jun-2002 205 Shelley Accounting Manager 07-jun-2002 200 Jennifer Administration Assistant 01-jan-2007 100 Steven President 17-jun-2003 102 Lex Administration Vice President 25-jul-2006 101 Neena Administration Vice President 16-mar-2005 110 John Accountant 28-sep-2005 109 Daniel Accountant 16-aug-2002 113 Luis Accountant 07-dec-2007 111 Ismael Accountant 30-sep-2005 112 Jose Manuel Accountant 07-mar-2006 108 Nancy Finance Manager 17-aug-2002 203 Susan Human Resources Representative 07-jun-2002 ...
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