
PHP Exercises: Restore the original string by entering the compressed string with this rule

When character are consecutive in a string , it is possible to shorten the character string by replacing the character with a certain rule. For example, in the case of the character string YYYYY, if it is expressed as # 5 Y, it is compressed by one character.
Write a PHP program to restore the original string by entering the compressed string with this rule. However, the # character does not appear in the restored character string.
Note: The original sentences are uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, less than 100 letters, and consecutive letters are not more than 9 letters.

Input: Multiple character strings are given. One string is given per line

Sample Solution:

PHP Code:

// Input string containing "@" symbols with repetition information
$str = "@88 + 1 = 1@80";

// Initialize index for traversing the input string
$index = 0;

// Initialize an array to store the resulting characters
$result = array();

// Loop through each character in the input string
while ($index < strlen($str)) {
    // Get the current character
    $t = $str[$index++];

    // Check if the current character is "@"
    if ($t == "@") {
        // Extract the length and character information for repetition
        $len = $str[$index++];
        $char = $str[$index++];

        // Initialize an empty string to store repeated characters
        $run = "";

        // Repeat the character for the specified length
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $run .= $char;

        // Add the repeated characters to the result array
        $result[] = $run;
    } else {
        // If the character is not "@", add it directly to the result array
        $result[] = $t;

// Output the final result by concatenating the characters in the result array
echo implode("", $result);


  • Initialize Input and Variables:
    • Defines the input string $str = "@88 + 1 = 1@80", which contains the "@" symbol to denote sections with repetition information.
    • Initializes $index = 0 to traverse the string and $result = array() to store processed characters.
  • Loop Through Each Character in $str:
    • Uses a while loop to go through the string character by character until $index reaches the end.
  • Check for "@" Symbol:
    • If the character at $index is "@", it indicates the start of a repetition pattern.
    • Extract Repetition Information:
      • Reads the next two characters after "@":
        • $len: Specifies the number of times to repeat the following character.
        • $char: The character to be repeated.
    • Create Repeated String:
      • Uses a for loop to create a string ($run) with $char repeated $len times and adds it to $result.
  • Handle Non-"@" Characters:
    • If the character is not "@", it’s added directly to $result.
  • Output the Result:
    • Combines all elements in $result into a single string and displays it using echo implode("", $result);.

Sample Input:
@88 + 1 = 1@80

Sample Output:

88888888 + 1 = 100000000


Flowchart: Read the mass data and find the number of islands.

PHP Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a PHP program to read the mass data and find the number of islands.
Next: Write a PHP program that compute the area of the polygon.

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