PHP Exercises: Print out the sum of pairs of numbers of a given sorted array of positive integers that is equal to a given number
Write a PHP program to print out the sum of pairs of numbers of a given sorted array of positive integers which is equal to a given number.
Sample Solution:
PHP Code:
// Define a function to find pairs in an array that sum up to a given value
function find_Pairs($nums, $pair_sum) {
// Initialize an empty string to store pairs
$nums_pairs = "";
// Iterate through each element in the array
for ($i = 0; $i < count($nums); $i++) {
// Iterate through subsequent elements to find pairs
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($nums); $j++) {
// Check if the sum of the current pair equals the target sum
if ($nums[$i] + $nums[$j] == (int)$pair_sum) {
// Concatenate the pair to the result string
$nums_pairs .= $nums[$i] . "," . $nums[$j] . ";";
// Return the string containing pairs
return $nums_pairs;
// Test the function with example array and pair sums
$nums = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
echo find_Pairs($nums, 7)."\n";
echo find_Pairs($nums, 5)."\n";
- Function Definition:
- The function find_Pairs($nums, $pair_sum) is designed to find pairs of numbers in the array $nums that sum up to the specified value $pair_sum.
- Initialize Result Variable:
- A string variable $nums_pairs is initialized to store the pairs of numbers that meet the criteria.
- Outer Loop:
- A for loop iterates through each element in the array $nums using the index variable $i.
- Inner Loop:
- A nested for loop iterates through the subsequent elements of the array starting from the index $i + 1, using the index variable $j.
- Check for Pair Sum:
- Inside the inner loop, an if statement checks if the sum of the elements at indices $i and $j equals the target sum (int)$pair_sum.
- If they do, the pair (in the format "num1,num2;") is concatenated to the $nums_pairs string.
- Return Pairs:
- After checking all possible pairs, the function returns the string containing the pairs that add up to the target sum.
1,6;2,5;3,4; 0,5;1,4;2,3;

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