PHP Array Exercises : Decodes a JSON string
Write a PHP script which decodes the following JSON string.
Sample JSON code :
{"Title": "The Cuckoos Calling",
"Author": "Robert Galbraith",
"Detail": {
"Publisher": "Little Brown"
Sample Solution:
PHP Code:
// Define a function named w3rfunction that echoes the key and value of an array element
function w3rfunction($value, $key) {
echo "$key : $value" . "\n";
// Define a JSON-encoded string representing a nested associative array
$a = '{"Title": "The Cuckoos Calling",
"Author": "Robert Galbraith",
"Detail": {
"Publisher": "Little Brown"
// Decode the JSON string into a PHP associative array
$j1 = json_decode($a, true);
// Use array_walk_recursive to apply the w3rfunction to each element in the nested array
array_walk_recursive($j1, "w3rfunction");
Title : The Cuckoos Calling Author : Robert Galbraith Publisher : Little Brown

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