
PHP Array Exercises : Generate a random password using shuffle() function

Write a PHP function to generate a random password (contains uppercase, lowercase, numeric and other) using shuffle() function.

Sample Solution:

PHP Code:

// Define a function to generate a random password with specified character categories
function rand_Pass($upper = 1, $lower = 5, $numeric = 3, $other = 2) { 
    // Initialize an empty array to store the characters of the password
    $pass_order = Array(); 
    // Initialize an empty string to store the final password
    $passWord = ''; 

    // Create contents of the password with uppercase letters
    for ($i = 0; $i < $upper; $i++) { 
        $pass_order[] = chr(rand(65, 90)); 
    // Create contents of the password with lowercase letters
    for ($i = 0; $i < $lower; $i++) { 
        $pass_order[] = chr(rand(97, 122)); 
    // Create contents of the password with numeric digits
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numeric; $i++) { 
        $pass_order[] = chr(rand(48, 57)); 
    // Create contents of the password with other special characters
    for ($i = 0; $i < $other; $i++) { 
        $pass_order[] = chr(rand(33, 47)); 

    // Shuffle the order of characters using shuffle()

    // Concatenate the characters to form the final password string
    foreach ($pass_order as $char) { 
        $passWord .= $char; 
    // Return the generated password
    return $passWord; 

// Display the generated password
echo "\n" . "Generated Password : " . rand_Pass() . "\n";


Generated Password : h1'1#h7Gqfy


Flowchart: PHP - Generate a random password using shuffle() function

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Previous: Write a PHP function to shuffle an associative array, preserving key, value pairs.
Next: Write a PHP script to sort an array in reverse order (highest to lowest).

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