
PHP OOP: Abstract class for animal

Write a PHP abstract class called 'Animal' with abstract methods like 'eat()' and 'makeSound()'. Create subclasses like 'Dog', 'Cat', and 'Bird' that implement these methods.

Sample Solution:

PHP Code :

abstract class Animal
    abstract public function eat();
    abstract public function makeSound();

class Dog extends Animal
    public function eat()
        echo "Dog is eating.</br>";

    public function makeSound()
        echo "Dog is barking.</br>";

class Cat extends Animal
    public function eat()
        echo "Cat is eating.</br>";

    public function makeSound() {
        echo "Cat is meowing.</br>";

class Bird extends Animal
    public function eat()
        echo "Bird is eating.</br>";

    public function makeSound()
        echo "Bird is chirping.</br>";

$dog = new Dog();

$cat = new Cat();

$bird = new Bird();

Sample Output:

Dog is eating.
Dog is barking.
Cat is eating.
Cat is meowing.
Bird is eating.
Bird is chirping.


In the above exercise -

  • The "Animal" class is declared an abstract class, meaning it cannot be instantiated directly. It contains abstract methods eat() and makeSound() which are declared but not implemented.
  • The "Dog", "Cat", and "Bird" classes are subclasses of "Animal" and implement the abstract methods eat() and makeSound() as required by the parent abstract class.


Flowchart: Abstract class for animal.
Flowchart: Abstract class for animal.
Flowchart: Abstract class for animal.

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