
Oracle: List the names of all the employees who are working as accountant in finance section and drawing a salary less than $20000

Oracle Operator: Exercise-6 with Solution

Write a query to list the names of all the employees who are working as accountant in finance section and drawing a salary less than $20000.

Sample table: employees

Sample Solution :-

Oracle Code :

SELECT  first_name, salary 
FROM  employees 
WHERE job_id='FI_ACCOUNT' and salary < 20000;


FIRST_NAME               SALARY
-------------------- ----------
Daniel                     9000
John                       8200
Ismael                     7700
Jose Manuel                7800
Luis                       6900

Pictorial Presentation:

List the names of all the employees who are working as accountant in finance section and drawing a salary less than $20000

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Previous: Write a query to list the name of all the employees who are working as account manager and drawing a salary more than $5000.
Next: Write a query to list the name of all the employees who are working as accountant in finance section and drawing a salary is greater than equal to $5000 and less than equal to $20000.

What is the difficulty level of this exercise?

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