
Oracle: Concatenate first name, last name and job id from employees table in the following format

Oracle Operator: Exercise-13 with Solution

Write a query to concatenate first name, last name and job id from employees table in the following format.

Sample Format :
Douglas Grant is a SH_CLERK
Jennifer Whalen is a AD_ASST
Michael Hartstein is a MK_MAN
Pat Fay is a MK_REP
Susan Mavris is a HR_REP
Hermann Baer is a PR_REP
Shelley Higgins is a AC_MGR
William Gietz is a AC_ACCOUNT

Sample table : employees

Sample Solution :-

Oracle Code :

SELECT CONCAT (CONCAT (CONCAT(CONCAT(first_name,' '),last_name), ' is a '),job_id) 
FROM employees 
WHERE salary > 2000;


Steven King is a AD_PRES
Neena Kochhar is a AD_VP
Lex De Haan is a AD_VP
Alexander Hunold is a IT_PROG
Bruce Ernst is a IT_PROG
David Austin is a IT_PROG
Valli Pataballa is a IT_PROG
Diana Lorentz is a IT_PROG
Nancy Greenberg is a FI_MGR
Daniel Faviet is a FI_ACCOUNT
John Chen is a FI_ACCOUNT


107 rows selected.

Pictorial Presentation:

Pictorial: concatenate first name, last name and job id from employees table  in the spacific format

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Previous: Write query to list the name (first and last name), hire date of all the employees who joined on 1-JUL-2006, 24-MAR-2007, 04-JAN-2008 in ascending order of seniority.
Next: Write a query to list the employees who are joined in the year between '01-Jan-2004' and '31-Dec-2008'.

What is the difficulty level of this exercise?

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