
MySQL Query to find the Top 5 Highest Sales per Region

Find the Top 5 Highest Sales by Region

Write a MySQL query to find the top 5 highest sales in each region using a window function.


-- Define a Common Table Expression (CTE) named RankedSales to rank sales within each region
WITH RankedSales AS (
    -- Begin the inner SELECT statement to compute ranking of sales per region
        -- Retrieve the Region column to group sales data by region
        -- Retrieve the Sales column to show the sales amount
        -- Assign a row number to each sales record within its region:
        -- PARTITION BY Region ensures ranking is done separately for each region.
        -- ORDER BY Sales DESC ranks sales in descending order (highest sales get rank 1).
    -- Specify the source table containing regional sales data
    FROM RegionalSales
-- Begin the main SELECT statement to retrieve the top sales records from each region
    -- Retrieve the Region column to display sales data by region
    -- Retrieve the Sales column to show the top sales values
-- Specify the source as the previously defined CTE 'RankedSales'
FROM RankedSales
-- Filter the results to include only the top 5 sales records for each region
WHERE SalesRank <= 5;


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to identify the top 5 highest sales in each region.
    • This demonstrates the use of a Common Table Expression (CTE) and the ROW_NUMBER() window function.
  • Key Components:
    • ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Region ORDER BY Sales DESC): Assigns a rank to each sale within the region.
    • WITH RankedSales AS (...): Defines a CTE to store the ranked sales.
    • WHERE SalesRank <= 5: Filters the results to include only the top 5 sales in each region.
  • Why use CTEs and Window Functions?:
    • CTEs make complex queries more readable and manageable by breaking them down into simpler parts.
    • Window functions allow you to perform cumulative calculations without the need for complex subqueries or joins.
  • Real-World Application:
    • For example, in a retail business, you might want to identify the top-performing regions for strategic planning.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query to find the bottom 5 lowest sales in each region.
  • Write a MySQL query to rank products based on their total sales within each region.
  • Write a MySQL query to calculate the percentage contribution of each region to total sales.
  • Write a MySQL query to list the regions with sales exceeding the average regional sales.

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Previous MySQL Exercise: Calculate the Cumulative Sum of Sales by Quarter.
Next MySQL Exercise: Calculate the Average Sales Over a Rolling 3-Month Window.

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