
Demonstrating the Lost Update Problem in MySQL

Demonstrate Lost Update Problem

Write a MySQL query to demonstrate the lost update problem when two transactions update the same row concurrently.


-- Transaction 1: Start a transaction to read and update the salary of Employee 1

-- Select the current salary of Employee 1
-- The query retrieves the current salary, which is assumed to be 50,000 at this point in the transaction.
SELECT Salary FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1;
-- Assume Salary = 50000

-- Update Employee 1's salary by adding 1000
-- The salary is updated from 50,000 to 51,000, and this change will be committed in the transaction.
UPDATE Employees SET Salary = 50000 + 1000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1;

-- Commit Transaction 1: Make the update permanent and release any locks

-- Transaction 2: Start another transaction to read and update the salary of Employee 1 concurrently

-- Select the current salary of Employee 1
-- Transaction 2 reads the current salary of Employee 1, which is still assumed to be 50,000.
-- This occurs concurrently while Transaction 1 is executing.
SELECT Salary FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1;
-- Assume Salary = 50000

-- Update Employee 1's salary by adding 2000
-- The salary is updated from 50,000 to 52,000. Transaction 2 will commit the change in this transaction.
UPDATE Employees SET Salary = 50000 + 2000 WHERE EmployeeID = 1;

-- Commit Transaction 2: Make the update permanent and release any locks


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to demonstrate how the lost update problem occurs when two transactions overwrite each other's changes
  • Key Components:
    • Both transactions read the same initial value and update it independently.
  • Why avoid Lost Updates?:
    • Lost updates can lead to incorrect data when concurrent transactions overwrite changes..
  • Real-World Application:
    • For example, in a banking system, you might use row-level locking to prevent lost updates during balance adjustments.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query where two transactions attempt to update the same stock quantity for a product simultaneously, causing a lost update.
  • Write a MySQL query that demonstrates the lost update problem in a ticket booking system where two users try to book the same seat at the same time.
  • Write a MySQL query to show how a lost update problem can occur in a banking system where two transactions attempt to withdraw money from the same account simultaneously.
  • Write a MySQL query to simulate a lost update issue in an employee salary update system where two HR representatives modify the same salary data at the same time.

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Previous MySQL Exercise: Use Explicit Locking with LOCK IN SHARE MODE.
Next MySQL Exercise: Prevent Lost Updates with FOR UPDATE.

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