
Write a Stored Procedure to Compute Total Salary

Stored Procedure to Calculate Total Salary by Department

Write a MySQL query to create a stored procedure that calculates the total salary for a specific department.


-- Set the delimiter to `//` to allow multi-line procedure definition

-- Create a stored procedure named `CalculateTotalSalaryByDepartment`
CREATE PROCEDURE CalculateTotalSalaryByDepartment(
    IN p_DepartmentID INT,  -- Input parameter: Department ID to filter employees
    OUT p_TotalSalary DECIMAL(10, 2)  -- Output parameter: Total salary of the department
    -- Calculate the total salary for the specified department
    SELECT SUM(Salary) INTO p_TotalSalary  
    FROM Employees  
    WHERE DepartmentID = p_DepartmentID;  -- Filter by the given department ID
END //  -- End of the procedure definition

-- Reset the delimiter to `;` for normal MySQL execution


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to automate the calculation of total salary for a department using a stored procedure.
  • Key Components:
    • SELECT SUM(Salary) INTO: Calculates and stores the total salary.
    • OUT: Specifies an output parameter.
  • Why use Stored Procedures?:
    • Stored procedures encapsulate complex calculations, making them reusable.
  • Real-World Application:
    • For example, in a payroll system, you might use a stored procedure to calculate total salaries by department.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query to create a stored procedure that calculates the total budget for a specific department.
  • Write a MySQL query to create a stored procedure that calculates the total revenue for a specific product category.
  • Write a MySQL query to create a stored procedure that calculates the total sales for a specific customer.
  • Write a MySQL query to create a stored procedure that calculates the total cost for a specific project.

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Previous MySQL Exercise: Create a Trigger to Prevent Deleting Active Employees.
Next MySQL Exercise: Call the Stored Procedure to Calculate Total Salary.

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