
Step by Step MySQL user Account Setup

Create a New User

Write a MYSQL query to create a new user "gaioz_amira" with password "SecurePass123".


-- This command creates a new database user named 'gaioz_amira' who can connect from localhost
-- The user is authenticated with the specified password 'SecurePass123'
CREATE USER 'gaioz_amira'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SecurePass123';


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to create a new user account in the MySQL database.
    • This demonstrates how to use the CREATE USER statement for basic user management.
  • Key Components:
    • CREATE USER 'gaioz_amira'@'localhost' : Specifies the username and host from which the user can connect.
    • IDENTIFIED BY 'SecurePass123' : Sets the password for the new user.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Useful when adding new users to a system, ensuring each user has unique credentials.


  • Ensure that the username and host combination is unique.
  • Use strong passwords to enhance security.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query to create a new user "analytics_user"@'%' with the password "Comp!exP@ss2025" using the caching_sha2_password plugin.
  • Write a MySQL query to create a new user "test_user"@'' with a strong password, restricting connections to that specific IP address.
  • Write a MySQL query to create a new user "dev_user"@'localhost' that only allows SSL connections.
  • Write a MySQL query to create a new user "audit_user"@'%' with a complex password and a custom authentication method.

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Next MySQL Exercise: Grant Privileges to a User.

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