
MySQL Query to Calculate Product Sales Percentage

Calculate the Percentage of Total Sales for each Product

Write a MySQL query to calculate the percentage of total sales for each product using a window function.


-- Begin the SELECT statement to define the columns to retrieve from the ProductSales table
    -- Retrieve the ProductID column to uniquely identify each product
    -- Retrieve the Sales column to display the sales amount for each product
    -- Calculate the sales percentage for each product:
    -- SUM(Sales) OVER () computes the total sales across all products
    -- Dividing the product's Sales by the total sales and multiplying by 100 gives the percentage contribution
    Sales / SUM(Sales) OVER () * 100 AS SalesPercentage
-- Specify the source table containing product sales data
FROM ProductSales;


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to calculate the percentage of total sales contributed by each product.
    • This demonstrates the use of the SUM() window function to compute the total sales.
  • Key Components:
    • SUM(Sales) OVER (): Calculates the total sum of sales.
    • Sales / SUM(Sales) OVER () * 100: Computes the percentage of total sales for each product.
  • Why use Window Functions?:
    • Window functions allow you to perform calculations across the entire result set, making it easier to compute percentages and other aggregate metrics.
  • Real-World Application:
    • For example, in a retail business, you might want to analyze the contribution of each product to the overall sales to identify best-sellers and underperformers.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query to calculate the percentage of total sales within each product category.
  • Write a MySQL query to find products that contribute to more than 20% of total sales.
  • Write a MySQL query to compute the percentage of total revenue each product contributed in the last 3 months.
  • Write a MySQL query to calculate the cumulative percentage of sales, ranked from highest to lowest.

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Previous MySQL Exercise: Find the First and Last Sale Date for Each Customer.
Next MySQL Exercise: Find the Median Salary in Each Department.

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