
How to make a Case-Insensitive Query in MongoDB?

Performing Case-Insensitive Queries in MongoDB

In MongoDB, you can perform case-insensitive queries by using regular expressions (regex) or by creating a case-insensitive index. Case-insensitive queries are useful when you want to search text fields without worrying about uppercase or lowercase differences. MongoDB provides flexible options to handle these searches effectively.

To perform case-insensitive queries in MongoDB, you can use regular expressions with the $regex operator or set up a case-insensitive collation. Regular expressions allow flexible matching, while collations enable efficient, index-based case-insensitive searches. Both methods are effective for ignoring case differences in your queries.

Syntax and Examples:

1. Using $regex for Case-Insensitive Matching
The $regex operator allows for case-insensitive searches using the i option, which tells MongoDB to ignore case differences.


db.lt;collection>.find({ <field_name>: { $regex: "<pattern>", $options: "i" } })


Suppose you have a products collection and want to find all documents where the name field contains "laptop", regardless of case:


// Query to find documents with 'laptop' in the 'name' field, case-insensitively
db.products.find({ name: { $regex: "laptop", $options: "i" } })


  • db.products.find(...)
    Calls the find() method on the products collection.
  • { name: { $regex: "laptop", $options: "i" } }
    The query object uses the $regex operator to match the name field against the pattern "laptop". The $options: "i" option makes the match case-insensitive, so both "Laptop" and "laptop" would match.

2. Using Case-Insensitive Collation (Recommended for Indexing)
If you need frequent case-insensitive queries on a field, setting up a collation is more efficient. This option is useful when you have indexes and want to ensure they apply to your case-insensitive queries.


db.<collection>.find({ <field_name>: "<value>" }).collation({ locale: "en", strength: 2 })
  • strength: 2: This setting makes the collation ignore case differences.


If you have a users collection and want to search for the username "john" in a case-insensitive manner:


// Query to find 'username' with value 'john', case-insensitively using collation
db.users.find({ username: "john" }).collation({ locale: "en", strength: 2 })


  • db.users.find(...)
    The find() method is called on the users collection to locate documents with a specific username.
  • .collation({ locale: "en", strength: 2 })
    The collation method specifies case-insensitive matching by setting strength to 2, which ignores case differences in the query. This method can use indexes, making it more efficient for large datasets than regular expressions.

Additional Notes:

  • Performance: Regular expressions with the $options: "i" flag can be slower on large collections if not using an indexed field.
  • Collation: Using collation is generally faster for case-insensitive searches on indexed fields, as it can leverage MongoDB's indexing for more efficient querying.

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