Find listings with high price and security deposit
Find all listings with listing_url, name, property_type, bed, price, security_deposit in the listingsAndReviews collection that have a price greater than $500 and a security deposit of $1000 or more.
Structure of 'listingsAndReviews' collection:
{ _id: '10059872', listing_url: '', name: 'Soho Cozy, Spacious and Convenient', summary: 'Clean, fully furnish, Spacious 1 bedroom flat just off the escalator in Mid Levels. 2 minutes From Soho Bar and Restaurants. Located in a quiet alley 1 minute from Sun Yat Sen', space: '', description: 'Clean, fully furnish, Spacious 1 bedroom flat just off the escalator in Mid Levels. 2 minutes From Soho Bar and Restaurants. Located in a quiet alley 1 minute from Sun Yat Sen', neighborhood_overview: '', notes: '', transit: '', access: '', interaction: '', house_rules: '', property_type: 'Apartment', room_type: 'Entire home/apt', bed_type: 'Real Bed', minimum_nights: '4', maximum_nights: '20', cancellation_policy: 'flexible', last_scraped: ISODate("2019-03-11T04:00:00.000Z"), calendar_last_scraped: ISODate("2019-03-11T04:00:00.000Z"), first_review: ISODate("2015-12-19T05:00:00.000Z"), last_review: ISODate("2018-03-27T04:00:00.000Z"), accommodates: 3, bedrooms: 1, beds: 2, number_of_reviews: 3, bathrooms: Decimal128("1.0"), amenities: [ 'Air conditioning', 'Kitchen', 'Smoking allowed', 'Doorman', 'Elevator', 'Heating', 'Family/kid friendly', 'Essentials', '24-hour check-in', 'translation missing: en.hosting_amenity_50' ], price: Decimal128("699.00"), weekly_price: Decimal128("5000.00"), extra_people: Decimal128("0.00"), guests_included: Decimal128("1"), images: { thumbnail_url: '', medium_url: '', picture_url: '', xl_picture_url: '' }, host: { host_id: '51624384', host_url: '', host_name: 'Giovanni', host_location: 'Hong Kong, Hong Kong', host_about: '', host_thumbnail_url: '', host_picture_url: '', host_neighbourhood: 'Soho', host_is_superhost: false, host_has_profile_pic: true, host_identity_verified: false, host_listings_count: 1, host_total_listings_count: 1, host_verifications: [ 'email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'government_id' ] }, address: { street: 'Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong', suburb: 'Central & Western District', government_area: 'Central & Western', market: 'Hong Kong', country: 'Hong Kong', country_code: 'HK', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 114.15027, 22.28158 ], is_location_exact: true } }, availability: { availability_30: 0, availability_60: 0, availability_90: 0, availability_365: 0 }, review_scores: { review_scores_accuracy: 10, review_scores_cleanliness: 10, review_scores_checkin: 10, review_scores_communication: 10, review_scores_location: 10, review_scores_value: 8, review_scores_rating: 100 }, reviews: [ { _id: '56904633', date: ISODate("2015-12-19T05:00:00.000Z"), listing_id: '10059872', reviewer_id: '5302612', reviewer_name: 'Octavio', comments: 'The host canceled this reservation 11 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.' }, { _id: '223175530', date: ISODate("2018-01-01T05:00:00.000Z"), listing_id: '10059872', reviewer_id: '48436743', reviewer_name: 'Ross', comments: 'Giovanni was very helpful and responsive to my questions. This is a great apartment that is very convenient for exploring Hong Kong.' }, { _id: '247251577', date: ISODate("2018-03-27T04:00:00.000Z"), listing_id: '10059872', reviewer_id: '111288273', reviewer_name: 'Christian', comments: 'The host canceled this reservation 8 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.' } ] }, .......
$match: {
price: { $gt: 500 },
security_deposit: { $gte: 1000 }
$project: {
listing_url: 1,
name: 1,
property_type: 1,
bed: 1,
price: 1,
security_deposit: 1
{, _id: '10317142', listing_url: '', name: 'Private OceanFront - Bathtub Beach. Spacious House', property_type: 'House',mo Parque Olimpico', price: Decimal128("795.00"), security_deposit: Decimal128("1000.00") },guests_included: Decimal128("1") {, _id: '10343118', listing_url: '', name: 'Best location 1BR Apt in HK - Shops & Sights', property_type: 'Apartment',elsea', price: Decimal128("997.00"), security_deposit: Decimal128("1000.00") },guests_included: Decimal128("1") {, _id: '10659534', listing_url: '', name: 'Beautiful 1 Bedroom Apartment',ooms/1003530', property_type: 'Apartment',r West Side Apt', price: Decimal128("997.00"), security_deposit: Decimal128("1000.00") },guests_included: Decimal128("1") {, _id: '10671783', listing_url: '', name: 'CASA PARA AS OLIMPIADAS 2016',rooms/1001265', property_type: 'House',ki Marina w/prkg', price: Decimal128("3726.00"), security_deposit: Decimal128("3730.00") },guests_included: Decimal128("1") .....
The said query in MongoDB that retrieves all the documents with the listing_url, name, property_type, bed, price, and security_deposit fields from the listingsAndReviews collection that have a price greater than $500 and a security deposit of $1000 or more.
The $gt and $gte operator in the $match stage filters the documents based on the price field is greater than $500 and the security_deposit field is greater than or equal to $1000.
The $project stage includes the listing_url, name, property_type, bed, price, and security_deposit in the result set, so we set their values to 1.
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