MongoDB Exercise - MongoDB Exercise - Find the restaurants that achieved a score is more than 80 but less than 100
Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants that achieved a score is more than 80 but less than 100.
Structure of 'restaurants' collection :
{ "address": { "building": "1007", "coord": [ -73.856077, 40.848447 ], "street": "Morris Park Ave", "zipcode": "10462" }, "borough": "Bronx", "cuisine": "Bakery", "grades": [ { "date": { "$date": 1393804800000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 2 }, { "date": { "$date": 1378857600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 6 }, { "date": { "$date": 1358985600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 10 }, { "date": { "$date": 1322006400000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 9 }, { "date": { "$date": 1299715200000 }, "grade": "B", "score": 14 } ], "name": "Morris Park Bake Shop", "restaurant_id": "30075445" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d939eb21ad392f177c8"), "address" : { "building" : "345", "coord" : [ -73.9864626, 40.7266739 ], "street" : "East 6 Street", "zipcode" : "10003" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "Indian", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-09-15T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 5 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-01-14T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 8 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-05-30T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 12 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-04-24T00:00:00Z"), " grade" : "P", "score" : 2 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-10-01T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 9 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-04-06T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 92 }, { "date" : ISODate("2011-11-03T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 41 } ], "name" : "Gandhi", "restaurant_id" : "40381295" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d939eb21ad392f17929"), "address" : { "building" : "130", "coord" : [ -73.984758, 40.7457939 ], "street" : "Madison Avenue", "zipcode" : "10016" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "Pizza/Italian", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-12-24T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "Z", "score" : 31 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-06-17T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 98 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-12-12T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 32 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-05-22T00:00 :00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 21 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-05-02T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 } ], "name" : "Bella Napoli", "restaurant_id" : "40393488" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f18195"), "address" : { "building" : "", "coord" : [ -74.0163793, 40.7167671 ], "street" : "Hudson River", "zipcode" : "10282" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "American ", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-06-27T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 89 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-06-06T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 6 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-06-19T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 13 } ], "name" : "West 79Th Street Boat Basin Cafe" , "restaurant_id" : "40756344" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f186d3"), "address" : { "building" : "7705", "coord" : [ -73.8878704, 40.7435875 ], "street" : "Woodside Avenue", "zipcode" : "11373" }, "borough" : "Queens", "cuisine" : "Thai", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-05-12T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 14 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-11-20T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 84 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-09-18T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-05-03T00:00:00Z"), " grade" : "B", "score" : 23 } ], "name" : "Spicy Shallot", "restaurant_id" : "40979431" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f18708"), "address" : { "building" : "466", "coord" : [ -73.9747277, 40.7536114 ], "street" : "Lexington Avenue", "zipcode" : "10017" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "American ", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-10-14T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 84 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-02-14T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 5 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-07-11T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 10 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-01-29T00:00:0 0Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 36 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-08-15T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 12 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-03-22T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 27 } ], "name" : "Bistro Caterers", "restaurant_id" : "40987023" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f1989e"), "address" : { "building" : "320", "coord" : [ -73.9934047, 40.7544014 ], "street" : "West 37 Street", "zipcode" : "10018" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "American ", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-09-16T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 90 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-02-21T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 27 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-10-01T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 12 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-03-01T00:00: 00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 10 } ], "name" : "Concrete Restaurant", "restaurant_id" : "41363541" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f19c8b"), "address" : { "building" : "222", "coord" : [ -73.9579033, 40.7332745 ], "street" : "Franklin Street", "zipcode" : "11222" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "cuisine" : "Italian", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-12-11T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "Z", "score" : 18 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-10-31T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 12 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-03-20T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 24 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-07-18T00:00:00Z" ), "grade" : "B", "score" : 18 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-01-12T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 81 } ], "name" : "Anella", "restaurant_id" : "41410058" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f1a951"), "address" : { "building" : "1724", "coord" : [ -73.94981, 40.780043 ], "street" : "2 Avenue", "zipcode" : "10128" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "Indian", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-09-25T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 7 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-03-20T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 12 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-09-09T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 21 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-03-25T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 18 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-08-15T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 }, { "date" : ISODate("2011-12-23T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 98 } ], "name" : "Baluchi'S Indian Food", "restaurant_id" : "41569277" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f1a9e0"), "address" : { "building" : "116", "coord" : [ -73.98978509999999, 40.7487912 ], "street" : "West 32 Street", "zipcode" : "10001" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "cuisine" : "American ", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-02-11T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-10-10T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-04-29T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 82 }, { "date" : ISODate("2012-04-30 T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 }, { "date" : ISODate("2011-12-21T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 19 }, { "date" : ISODate("2011-07-20T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 29 } ], "name" : "Cafe R", "restaurant_id" : "41574642" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f1be8e"), "address" : { "building" : "5616", "coord" : [ -74.009993, 40.638865 ], "street" : "7 Avenue", "zipcode" : "11220" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "cuisine" : "Chinese", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2014-11-24T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 86 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-06-24T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 20 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-01-07T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 11 }, { "date" : ISODate("2013-06-13T00:00:00Z"), "grad e" : "A", "score" : 10 } ], "name" : "D & Y Restaurant", "restaurant_id" : "50000040" } { "_id" : ObjectId("564c2d949eb21ad392f1d1b2"), "address" : { "building" : "1898", "coord" : [ -73.910439, 40.8499696 ], "street" : "Jerome Avenue", "zipcode" : "10453" }, "borough" : "Bronx", "cuisine" : "Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)", "grades" : [ { "date" : ISODate("2015-01-06T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 10 }, { "date" : ISODate("2014-10-07T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "C", "score" : 82 } ], "name" : "La Potencia Restaurant", "restaurant_id" : "50014192 " }
Note: This output is generated using MongoDB server version 3.6
The given query in MongoDB return all documents in the 'restaurants' collection where at least one element in the "grades" array has a "score" field value greater than 80 and less than 100.
The $elemMatch operator is used to search for documents with an array field that contains at least one element that matches the "score" field must be greater than 80 and less than 100.
Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.
Previous: Find the restaurants who achieved a score more than 90.
Next: Find the restaurants which locate in a latitude value less than -95.754168.
What is the difficulty level of this exercise?
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