
MongoDB Exercise - Find the restaurant with the most recent grade date

Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant with the most recent grade date.

Structure of 'restaurants' collection :

  "address": {
     "building": "1007",
     "coord": [ -73.856077, 40.848447 ],
     "street": "Morris Park Ave",
     "zipcode": "10462"
  "borough": "Bronx",
  "cuisine": "Bakery",
  "grades": [
     { "date": { "$date": 1393804800000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 2 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1378857600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 6 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1358985600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 10 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1322006400000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 9 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1299715200000 }, "grade": "B", "score": 14 }
  "name": "Morris Park Bake Shop",
  "restaurant_id": "30075445"


{ $unwind: "$grades" },
{ $sort: { "grades.date": -1 } },
{ $limit: 1 },
{ $project: { name: 1, "grades.date": 1, _id: 0 } }


grades: { date: ISODate("2015-01-20T00:00:00.000Z") },
name: 'Ambassador Diner'


The said query in MongoDB retrieves the restaurant with the most recent grade date, and return the name of the restaurant and the date of the most recent grade.

The $unwind operator, which creates a new document for each element in the grades array.

The $sort operator, which sorts the documents in descending order based on the grades.date field. This means that the most recent grade will appear first in the result set.

The $limit operator will limit the result set to only the first document, which will be the restaurant with the most recent grade date.

Note: This output is generated using MongoDB server version 3.6

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Previous: Find all the Chinese restaurants in Brooklyn.
Next: Find the top 5 restaurants for each cuisine type, along with their average score.

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