
Kotlin function: Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)

Write a Kotlin function that calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person. The function should take the height (in meters) and weight (in kilograms) as arguments. Use default arguments for height and weight.

Pre-Knowledge (Before you start!)

  • Basic Kotlin Syntax.
  • Kotlin Functions.
  • Default Arguments.
  • Arithmetic Operations.
  • Error Handling.
  • Printing Output.

Hints (Try before looking at the solution!)

  • Define the Function.
  • Validate Inputs.
  • Calculate BMI.
  • Call the Function.
  • Display the Output.
  • Test with Different Values.
  • Common Errors to Avoid:
    • Forgetting input validation.
    • Misplacing the BMI formula.
    • Not handling default values correctly.

Sample Solution:

Kotlin Code:

fun calculateBMI(height: Double = 0.0, weight: Double = 0.0): Double {
    require(height > 0.0) { "Height must be greater than 0." }
    require(weight > 0.0) { "Weight must be greater than 0." }

    val bmi = weight / (height * height)
    return bmi

fun main() {
    val height = 1.65
    val weight = 63.5
    val bmi = calculateBMI(height, weight)
    println("BMI: $bmi")

Sample Output:

BMI: 23.32415059687787


In the above exercise -

  • The "calculateBMI()" function is defined with two parameters: height (default value of 0.0) and weight (default value of 0.0). These parameters represent height in meters and weight in kilograms, respectively.
  • The require function validates that the provided height and weight are greater than 0. If either requirement fails, an exception is thrown with the corresponding error message.
  • The BMI is calculated using the formula weight / (height * height).
  • The calculated BMI is returned from the function.
  • In the "main()" function, a sample height of 1.65 meters and 63.5 kilograms is provided. The calculateBMI function is called with these values, and the resulting BMI is printed to the console.

Kotlin Editor:

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Next: Calculate circle area with default pi.

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